IX Hurwicz Workshop on Mechanism Design Theory

Event date:
5. - 7.12.2024, All day
IX Hurwicz Workshop on Mechanism Design Theory will be held from 5 to 7 December 2024 at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics as well as the Banach Center, Polish Academy of Sciences.

The aim of the 2024 Hurwicz Workshop is to bring together scholars who specialize in the mathematical approach to economic theory, including, but not necessarily confined to, mechanism or market design theory. The workshop has an interdisciplinary focus, welcoming economic theory topics ranging from decision theory, game theory, general equilibrium, market and mechanism design, social choice, mathematical economics including their algorithmic and computational aspects. 

The workshop is financed by the Minister of Science under the “Regional Excellence Initiative” Programme.

Financed by the Minister of Science under the "Regional Excellence Initiative" Programme
Type of event:

SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Banach Center


Polish Academy of Sciences, University of Warsaw, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
