Ukraine has been bravely fighting for its existence, freedom, democratic values and the European future for two years in a full-scale war with the Russian aggressor. But in fact, the war, unjust brutal military aggression against Ukraine began 10 years ago when Russia annexed Crimea and seized parts of Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts in 2014. The largest tragedy in Europe, the biggest humanitarian catastrophe since World War II has unfolded before our eyes. Bomb shelling, leveling the large territories with the ground, severe distractions, hundreds of killed, thousands are kidnapped or captivated, millions lost their homes and were displaced. Hundreds of students and researchers escaped, and Ukrainian universities continue losing their intellectual capital.
Dozens of educational institutions were forced to relocate, including universities, which had to restart their activity in a completely new place. Nevertheless, Ukrainians stay invincible and determined, combining survival and development modes, pursuing their journey to the European Union. Role of universities couldn’t be even more than now, they lead the community, showing an example of resistance and agility, they contribute to the country’s everyday survival and future victory, as well as planning and implementation of the ideas for the recovery and modernisation of Ukraine.
Speakers & Moderator
Academic leaders of 5 Ukrainian partner universities in CIVICA for Ukraine will share their lessons and insights, their tough experience of resistance and fight. You are welcome to join our discussion.
- „10 years of development under non-obviousness conditions” | Maksym Prychnenko, PhD, Vice-Rector for Education, Youth Policy and Development of the Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University
- „UCU leadership lessons” | prof. Volodymyr Turchynovsky, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Director of the International Institute for Ethics and Contemporary Issues, Ukrainian Catholic University
- „Leadership during the war. Experience of KNEU” | prof. Viktor Chuzhykov, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Olena Tsyrkun, PhD, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
- „Being researcher ‘inside’ the War. Why We Need to do Research in the Wartime” | Anna Osypchuk, PhD, Director for Research of the School for Policy Analysis, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
- „Invincibility of the students’ community – contribution to victory” | Sofia Diadchenko, Victoriya Hermanchuk, students of Kyiv School of Economics
- dr Iryna Degtyarova, SGH Rector’s Representative for cooperation with Ukrainian higher education institutions
- 13.00–13.05 | Introduction. Minute of Silence
- 13.05–13.15 | Welcome from SGH
- 13.15–14.30 | Presentations/speeches of the Ukrainian Universities
- 14.30–15.00 | Q&A, discussion
Participation in the event doesn’t require registration
SGH Warsaw School of Economics