Open Eyes Economy Summit

Event date:
22.11.2022, 10:00 - 23.11.2022, 18:45
SGH Warsaw School of Economics has a pleasure to invite all its employees, students and PhD students for attending the 7th Open Eyes Economy Summit to be held in Cracow November 22-23, 2022 or/and follow the online transmission from this congress. SGH is a co-organiser and substantive partner of OEES in this endeavour.


The topics to be discussed in the framework of the 7th OEES Congress will cover economic credibility of the state and companies as well as its impact on socio-economic life.

There will be seven thematic paths for participants to follow up:

  • Human rights in business
  • Economic credibility
  • Climate regeneration of cities
  • Youngsters in the city
  • Design thinking in transformation towards the Unknown
  • Green deal – energy, food, health
  • Special track: open eyes to Ukraine

Registration (online event)

In order to receive a code enabling free registration for an on-line event, please send a message from your address in the SGH domain to: The code will be sent to you afterwards.

Type of event:

Fundacja Gospodarki i Administracji Publicznej
