For more than a year, the Russian Federation has been conducting an unprecedented attack on neighbouring Ukraine. This war in Eastern Europe has consequences for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, the European Union, and the whole world. With the invasion, Russia has transformed both the social and economic situation of Ukraine, and the international political and economic order.
Paradoxically, the economic collapse that Ukraine is currently experiencing, additionally compounded by the lack of in-depth economic reforms in the early decades of independence, has created a unique opportunity for a deep economic transformation. Ukraine has a chance to launch into a new stage of development, after overcoming Russian aggression.
What should be Ukraine’s economic policy at the end the war? What strategic goals should the Ukrainian government set for itself? How can it take advantage of the unprecedented support of public opinion for reforms and European integration? What negative phenomena and trends need to be countered in order for these reforms to succeed?
These questions will be addressed by participants in the debate. The event will take place on April 25 at 3:00 pm in Auditorium VII of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics.
Prof. Sergei Guriev, Rector (Provost) of Sciences Po in Paris, the chief economist for EBOR from 2016 until 2019

Prof. Leszek Balcerowicz, author of Polish economic reforms in the 1990s and professor at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics

Prof. Tymofyi Mylovanov, president of the Kyiv School of Economics

The session will be moderated by Prof. Agnieszka Chłoń-Domińczak, Vice-Rector for Research at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics.

Special guest of the debate will be executive director of CASE Ukraine Dmytro Boyarchuk, lead author of the report on “Economic priorities in post-war Ukraine. A blueprint for reform” (February 2023).
Organized jointly by the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and CASE, the debate will be open to participants from all ten universities in the CIVICA Alliance (European University of Science and Social Sciences) and five Ukrainian universities participating in the CIVICA for Ukraine initiative. It will also be broadcast on the YouTube channel of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. Remote participants in the meeting will be able to submit questions to the debate moderator.
The event will be held in English.
Given the current security alerts in the Republic of Poland (BRAVO and CHARLIE-CRP), persons intending to attend the debate in person are requested to register in advance.

Debate on Ukraine’s post-war reconstruction will complement the meeting with the author of the book “Spin Dictators: The Changing Face of Tyranny in the 21st Century”, written by Sergei Guriev together with Daniel Treisman.
SGH Warsaw School of Economics, al. Niepodległości 162, Auditorium VII
online on our YouTube channel
SGH Warsaw School of Economics and the CASE – Centre for Social and Economic Research, under the umbrella of CIVICA Alliance