The SGH Warsaw School of Economics was the first university in Poland to introduce studies in International Economics (then: international economic relations). They cover not only the political issues of international cooperation, but they primarily concentrate on economic relations between states, international organizations and companies. A distinguishing feature of the International Economics degree program is interdisciplinarity.
- Career prospects
The International Economics programme prepares you for career in:
- domestic enterprises operating internationally, mainly within the European Union,
- international companies operating in Poland and in other EU states,
- central, regional and local public administration (Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology, economic and trade departments of diplomatic missions abroad, central banks),
- international governmental and non-governmental organisations (European Union, OECD, IMF, World Bank, UN, EBRD, ICRC),
- research centres dealing with international issues (think-tanks, foundations, research institutes),
- media dealing with international economic relations,
- own businesses in Poland and abroad.
- Specialisations
Digital World Economy
This study path will give you an insight into the extremely important process of digital transformation of European and world businesses and economies. The presence of information and communication technologies in our daily lives is already a fact. Understanding how the digital economy works and the resulting determinants of success for countries, integration groupings and companies is a prerequisite for meeting the demands of today’s job market. This is a new, unique minor in Poland.
Economics of membership in the EU
18 years of Poland’s membership in the EU provides the framework for the country’s socio-economic transformation and future development. It is worth to know that more than 90% of the national legislation results from the EU law and 80% of the foreign trade of Poland is conducted with other EU member states. Despite such a long period of membership in the EU, there is a fragmentary knowledge about this organization, possibilities to influence legislation binding for entrepreneurs and citizens in Poland, the scope of regulation of business activities and consequences of membership. Studying this minor will enable you to gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of the mechanisms of European integration (both from the perspective of the entire EU and Poland), the most important common EU policies, the principles of creating and implementing the EU budget, as well as rules relating to lobbying of businesses, states and social organisations on EU forums.
International Entrepreneurship
If you are interested in studying the determinants of the operations of enterprises on international markets, our third minor seems to be an ideal offer for you. You will have the opportunity to study the rules of creating a project of expansion of a firm on foreign markets, the conditions of operation of multinational companies in the world economy or Polish companies on the EU internal market. You will also learn the principles of ethics in economy and international business.
- Courses
Like every undergraduate student at SGH, for the first three semesters you will study basic courses to prepare you for in-depth studies in International Economics. You will first learn the basic Micro- and Macroeconomics, Management, Accounting, Finance, Economic and social policy, European integration and Statistics. You will also have a chance to improve your knowledge of two foreign languages.
Three remaining semesters of study will be devoted to major and major-related courses. These classes may be categorized within the following broad categories:
- Economics (e.g. International Competitiveness, International Finance, European Union Internal Market),
- Business (e.g. Corporate Finance, International Marketing, Management in International Business),
- Politics and law (e.g. International Organisations, Public International Law, European Integration/Theory of State).
- Mode and duration of study
Mode of study: full-time
Duration: 3 years (6 semesters)
- Admissions and tuition
The application and admissions procedure has the following stages:
- registration in the online system,
- submission of required documents,
- end of submission of documents period,
- verification of documents by SGH,
- issuing decisions on admission,
- information about registration for classes sent by Bachelor Dean’s Office (in the registration system).
More information can be found here:
application and admissions procedure for foreigners
application and admissions procedure for Polish citizensTuition
2400 EUR (for one semestr) or 2450 EUR (for one semester, payment in installments, one installment 490 EUR)
- Benefits
The graduate of the first-cycle studies in the field of International Economics at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics:
- understands the relations between countries and companies in the world economy, including the economy of the European Union,
- knows how to analyse international competiveness of countries and companies,
- understands the main notions, theories, mechanisms and areas of corporate and international finance,
- knows different types of international business transactions and logistic operations,
- knows different aspects of international marketing and management in international business,
- understands the process of economic integration, especially in EU, and knows how the UE internal market is organized, what are the practical consequences for individuals, companies, member-states and third parties,
- can describe types, areas of activity and achievements of international organisations,
- understands the importance of public international law as an instrument of protection of legal interests and values;
recognizes the significance of international determinants of the position of countries and companies,
- can apply the acquired knowledge in a practical manner to solve simple problems concerning entities involved in international activities,
- uses basic techniques of data collection and methods of analysis in studies of the world economy and the economies of countries and their groups,
- is able to accomplish simple research tasks related to processes taking place in the world economy, including within the EU,
- can identify factors of international competitiveness of countries and companies,
- can identify digitization processes taking place in the world economy,
- can conduct international transactions.
Social competencies
- behaves ethically in professional activities and social contacts,
- displays initiative and self-reliance in business activity,
- demonstrates responsibility for work performed personally as well as by others.
The list of learning outcomes and programs for the first and second cycle programs at SGH:
The full list of learning outcomes
Programs for the first and second cycle programs at SGH 2025/2026
- Double Degree Programmes
SGH students may participate in Double Degree Programmes which enables them to obtain two academic diplomas in a single course of study.
Double Degree Programmes available to full-time students of International Economics:
China/Peking University, Guanghua School of Management
South Korea/Kyungpook National University
At Bachelor’s level qualifications to DDP programmes take place in the beginning of the second year of studies.