We’d like to inform you that within 3-4 days of submitting documents, you will receive information such as your student number, login, and password to the SGH network by e-mail given in the online admission system (ISR).
Certificates confirming the student status will be issued from October 1 (a scan can be sent via e-mail and the original can be sent via the Polish National Post).
- Study Plans for students starting in 2024/2025
To start studying, you need to choose the right courses.
Semester declaration is one of the most important administrative matters.At SGH, registration for classes takes place on designated dates and only via the IT system.
Students register to classes based on the classes schedule in accordance with the list of mandatory courses for the first semester in their field of study.
- Schedule of declarations for students of the first semester in the academic year 2024/2025
Students register to courses based on a schedule of classes, thus making preferences for lecture and exercise groups, following the list of compulsory subjects for the first semester in each field of studies.
Classes schedules – Graduate Studies
Information about rankings
In the case of applying for a given class, the number of people interested in the class exceeding the set limit will be decided by the following:
- ranking determined primarily based on the average obtained at first-cycle studies (applies to students continuing their education at SGH) or the result obtained during the qualifying exam for second-cycle studies (for students who took the exam),
- random ordering if it is not possible to make a substantive comparison between students.
People who are not assigned to a preferred group due to exceeding the limit will be automatically assigned to groups where the limits have not been exceeded. This allocation can be changed in the next round of declarations – group exchange.
The first stage - declaring preferences.
10th of September 2024 (Tuesday), 10:00 a.m. 12th to of September 2024 (Thursday), 10:00 a.m.
NOTE: Courses other than those required for the first semester of studies can be selected during the last round of registration for courses - ” Registration with teachers permission”.
Technical break
from 13th of September 2023 to 18th of September 2024 (Friday-Wednesday)
Correction of the class schedule. Assignment to groups based on ranking lists and reported preferences.
During the technical break period, the courses in the declaration will not be visible.
Second stage - correction of declarations (+groups exchange)
from 19th of September 2024 (Thursday), 10:00 a.m. to 24th of September 2023 (Tuesday), 10:00 a.m.
Students can adjust their timetable. During this round, it is possible register for the launched classes, dedicated to the first semester of a given field of study, it is possible as far as free places are available (the principle of “first come, first served”). There will be a group exchange available during this round.
Students should check that the subjects they have previously chosen had not been removed from the declaration during the rankings and possibly register to them them by signing up for another group.
Registration with teachers permission - a supplementary stage only for those students who, for important reasons, need to complete the declaration.
from 30th of September 2024 (Monday), 10:00 a.m. to 8th of October 2023 (Tuesday), 10:00 a.m.
In justified cases (e.g., dissolution of the group), students may add themselves as free places and over the limit with the consent of the lecturer, expressed via USOSweb.
Entering a given course on the list over the limit will be valid only after the didactic accepts the application in USOSweb. In the absence of such acceptance, the application shall be cancelled.
Acceptance of applications
until 9th of October 2024 (Wednesday)One-time Erasing (Resignation from course)
from 10th of October 2024 (Thursday), 10:00 a.m. to 30th of October 2024 (Wednesday), 10:00 a.m.
Resignation from the selected subject following paragraph 23 p.12 of the Study Regulations.
When reporting an course, please note whether: it is a mandatory subject (removing mandatory courses is possible only if it is an alternative to the one already completed), after the course has been cancelled, if the student has enough ECTS (at least 30) to pass the semester.
Review of applications until 7th of November 2024 (Tuesday)Important notes:
- Please keep an eye on both the dates and opening times of the semester declaration system.
- PLEASE MAKE PRUDENT DECISIONS. It is not possible to remove a student from courses, exchange declared courses, change the teacher or sign up for classes outside the USOS declaration system.
- It will not be possible to sign up for classes directly with the lecturer.
- The courses to which the student had registered in the semester declaration system become a binding individual semester study plan and are subject to obligatory implementation in this semester.
- Instruction of the Dean of Graduate Studies on the rules for recognising courses completed during previous studies as credited
- Pursuant to § 12 point 7 and § 37 point 1 of the Rules and Regulations of first and second cycle study programmes and long cycle study programme at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, the Dean, at the student’s request, may consider courses completed at other universities or during the previous course of studies at SGH as credited.
- Only courses completed in second cycle study (master’s degree) or long-cycle studies can be considered for recognition and credited.
- Only courses that have been completed no later than five years from the date of submitting the application can be considered to be recognised.
- The application for recognition of the course as passed should be submitted no later than on the fourteenth day from the beginning of the semester in which the course was declared at SGH. For first-semester students, it is possible to apply for recognition for the completed course without having to declare it in advance.
- Only courses completed outside SGH with learning outcomes similar to those taught at SGH may be considered for recognition and credit.
- The decision to recognise a course completed outside SGH as passed is made by the Dean based on the opinion expressed by the Chairman of the Programme Council of the Field of Study or the course coordinator.
Transferring credits for foreign languages requires an opinion from the Foreign Language Learning Centre.
- The application for recognition of a course completed outside SGH should be accompanied by the following:
- syllabus of the course certified by the university where the course was taught (documents drawn up in a language other than Polish or English should be provided with a sworn translation into Polish),
- indication of the period in which the subject was carried out,
- proof of obtaining a credit or passing an exam certified by the university, together with the grade obtained.
- In the event of changes in the syllabus of a course completed at SGH, the decision to recognise the course is made by the Dean based on the opinion expressed by the Chairman of the Programme Council of the Field of Study or the course coordinator.
The instruction comes into force on 30 January 2025.
Dr hab. Michał Bernardelli prof. SGH
Dean of Graduate Studies
- Pursuant to § 12 point 7 and § 37 point 1 of the Rules and Regulations of first and second cycle study programmes and long cycle study programme at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, the Dean, at the student’s request, may consider courses completed at other universities or during the previous course of studies at SGH as credited.
- Tuition Fees
- Every student has an individual account number visible in USOSweb.Please remember that all payments must be done in Euro. .
Tuition fees per semester- 2300 EUR for Global Business, Finance and Governance (GLO) and Advanced Analytics – Big Data (AAB) and International Business (IB)
- 2350 EUR if paid in five equal monthly instalments (one instalment: 470 EUR )
- 3000 EUR for Finance and Accounting Practical Profile with ACCA qualification (FAP)
- 3050 EUR if paid in five equal monthly instalments (one instalment: 610 EUR )
- for repeated subject (per 1 ECTS point) – 85 EUR/105 EUR (for F&A Practical Profile)
- for exceeding limit of 120 ECTS and additional limit of 6 ECTS points (per 1 ECTS point) – 85 EUR/105 EUR (for F&A Practical Profile).
- 2300 EUR for Global Business, Finance and Governance (GLO) and Advanced Analytics – Big Data (AAB) and International Business (IB)
- Student’s ID collection
The student ID card issue fee in 2024/2025 is 22 PLN.
The above-mentioned amount shall be paid to your individual PLN account number visible in USOSweb with the note:
Title: student’s ID card + (student’s album number)
With a note: I semester of full-time, ADA / FAP / GLO/ IB* II degree studies
* choose the appropriate major (field of study), where:
AAB - Advanced Analytics – Big Data
FAP - Finance and Accounting Practical Profile with ACCA qualification
GLO- Global Business, Finance and Governance
IB - International Business- Obligatory e-learning trainings
The first semester students of second-degree studies at SGH are obligated to pass three e-learning workshops:
- Occupational Health Safety Training (BHP);
- Library Training;
- Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Protection Training.
The e-workshops will be activated on 1st October 2024.
To take the trainings, students should log into e-sgh platform and make themselves acquainted with all the training materials and pass the obligatory tests.- Legalization of stay
For legalising your stay, additional help and free legal advice please check the website of Polish Office for Foreigners.
- Insurance
Insurance via the University is available only for Polish citizens and holders of Polish Charter(Karta Polaka).
If you have Polish citizenship you can be insured by SGH Warsaw School of Economics.In that case please contact with Educational Support (main building, room 37).
Non-Polish citizens are obliged to insure themselves on their own and present confirmation of insurance within one month from starting studying to the Graduate Studies Office.
- Students Direct Service and Dean’s Office hours
Students of Global Business, Finance and Governance (GLO) and Advanced Analytics – Big Data (AAB) can receive any additional information from Graduate Studies Office representative, Ms Monika Wąsowska.
Students of Finance and Accounting Practical Profile with ACCA qualification (FAP) and International Business (IB) can receive any additional information from Graduate Studies Office representative, Ms Monika Rosińska.
Vice Dean for Graduate Studies in English is Piotr Maszczyk, Ph.D.
- Library
Each student starting their studies at SGH should complete the obligatory library training available on the SGH e-learning platform by the deadline. During the training, the student acquires knowledge about:
- how to use the library catalog,
- how to order the necessary materials,
- on what terms can they be used in reading rooms and on what terms can they be borrowed at home.
They also learn about electronic sources of information available in databases. After passing all the modules, the training ends with a simple test to check the acquired skills.
The basic tool for using library collections is an electronic catalog. The system works similarly to an Internet search engine. The collections can be searched in various ways: by the author’s name, title, subject entry, etc., moreover, by logging in to your own account, you can learn about the current status and history of your loans.
Using the resources of the SGH LibraryThe library collections can be used:
- on site (from the collections in the main warehouse or from the reference collection);
- in the General Reading Room, Periodicals Reading Room or Scientific Information Department;
- borrowing books home: from the Lending Library’s collection.
General Reading Room
The General Reading Room is located on the second floor of the Library. Here, on the basis of order slips, orders for books and older magazines in the main warehouse are processed. Particularly popular items, the latest books, readings, in the number of about 20 thousand, are in the Reading Room on site, in free access. This is the so-called reference collection. Some books from the reference collection can be borrowed at home for the night, as part of the so-called night loans, but you have to pay close attention to the time of their return – 10 a.m., because for each subsequent exceeded hour a fee of PLN 5 is charged.
Periodicals Reading Room
On the second floor there is also the Periodicals Reading Room. Its book collection consists of about 1000 titles of Polish and foreign periodicals. In open access, the Reading Room offers both Polish and foreign titles for the last 5 years. Magazines can only be used on site.
SGH Library Lending Desk
On the ground floor of the library building there is the SGH Library Lending Department. The books in her collection are borrowed home. A maximum of 5 volumes can be borrowed for a period of 60 days. Before borrowing a book, each student is obliged to check its availability in the on-line catalogue and search for the call number. The Lending Library’s signatures are marked with the letter “W” and have the status “being loaned”.
Fees for exceeding the deadline for returning a book are high – the library system charges a fee for late return in the amount of PLN 1 for each day of delay for each volume.
In the on-line catalogue you can:- reserve books – this applies to titles whose all copies are currently borrowed,
- extend the deadline for returning the book,
- access selected items within IBUK Libra on-line.
Scientific Information Division (OIN)
On the ground floor of the Library, in room 10, there is the Scientific Information Department (OIN), where you can get support in searching for the necessary materials. OIN employees can help you find publications on a given topic, available both in paper and electronic form. In the Information Department, you can also learn the rules of using a wide range of electronic collections, which can be available to SGH students even without leaving home.
Student service – graduate studies
Classes schedule - STUDIES IN ENGLISH – Graduate Studies
Applications templates and application deadlines – Graduate Studies
Obligatory e-learning training - GraDUATE STUDIES