Kyungpook National University (bachelor)

Bachelor double degree program between SGH Warsaw School of Economics and Kyungpook National University – KNU (Daegu, South Korea)

This double degree program is available to full-time students of SGH and KNU within the following study programs at SGH:

  • Global Business, Finance and Governance [in English]
  • ​Globalny biznes, finanse i zarządzanie (governance)​ [in Polish]
  • International Economics [in English]

as well as – at KNU:

  • ​Economics & International Trade
Kyungpook National University

Kyungpook National University is a national university representing Daegu Metropolitan City and Gyeongbuk Province in South Korea .

It is located in the Daegu Metropolitan City, which is the capital city of the Gyeongbuk Province, South Korea. Kyungpook National University was founded on September, 1946.

Program structure
  • The intended period of study for the double degree program shall be four years (6 semesters for SGH DD students and 8 semesters for KNU DD students).
  • Double degree students from SGH will spend their third year at KNU, double degree students from KNU will spend the third year at SGH.
  • Double degree students shall have access to courses and enjoy the same rights and privileges and be subject to the same rules and regulations as the regular Bachelor students in the corresponding Bachelor study track of the host institution.
  • In addition, students admitted for the double degree program shall complete the modules offered at SGH and KNU within the majors they are following. Any changes to the plan of study shall be updated in the annexes to the agreement.
  • The language of study for this double degree program will be English, however, students at KNU can also choose courses offered in the Korean language.
  • Any deviations from the study structure as stated in the agreement shall be approved jointly by the partner institutions by mutual written agreement on an individual case-by-case basis.
  • When possible, the host institution will make effort to secure a short (minimum 3 weeks) internship opportunity for the double degree students.
Study plan
Bachelor thesis
  • In addition to the mandatory coursework at both institutions, the double degree student is required to write a Bachelor Thesis at SGH which is worth 10 ECTS.
  • The partner institutions assure the legal and organisational pre-conditions required for enabling the double degree students to start with the Bachelor Thesis in their third year of studies.
  • The Bachelor Thesis shall be supervised by one supervisor and graded by a reviewer.
  • The language of the Bachelor Thesis is English.
  • Part of the completion of the Bachelor Thesis is a defence of the thesis. The defence will be conducted in English. The management process of the preparation of the Bachelor Thesis should meet all the legal and academic constraints of SGH.
Admission criteria
  • To be eligible for the double degree program, the student must be a full-time, degree-seeking student at his/her home institution, have completed at least the first four semesters of study, and meet any specific admission requirements of the host institution, including English language requirements.
  • Additional eligibility requirements, such as a higher minimal GPA, amount of earned credits, and enrolment into a specific degree program, may be specified separately in the standard academic policies of the partner institutions.
  • ​According to the Rules and Regulations of selection for international programs and exchanges at SGH, all students accepted for double diploma programs are not allowed to apply for any other exchange or program that involves mobility abroad in the given academic year. It especially refers to Erasmus, PIM and bilateral exchanges and international programs like CEMS MIM.



Documents required from the SGH candidates to double degree program include (all documents should be prepared in English):

  • A motivation letter including the information on preferred field of study/study path at the parther university addressed to Selection Commission to double degree program between Kyungpook National University and SGH Warsaw School of Economics (in English, max. 1 page)
  • CV of the Applicant
  • Copy of the secondary school diploma
  • Official transcript of records (in English)
  • Document certifying fluency in English on min. B2 level


Complete application documents should be delivered to Ms. Agnieszka Kühnl-Kinel PhD by e-mail:

Contacts at SGH Warsaw School of Economics:

Contacts at Kyungpook National University:

