The Graduate (magister) Diploma Exam

In accordance with the SGH Rector's Order no. 19 of 4th March, 2022 on the return to full-time teaching at SGH Warsaw School of Economics, defenses of diploma theses submitted in the summer semester of the academic year 2021/2022 will also be held in this mode.

Diploma Examination (Master’s Degree exam)

The Diploma Examination will require your presence at a specified time and in a room indicated by the Graduate Studies Office. Your preference as to the date of the Diploma Examination will be proceeded by the Graduate Studies Office Defense Section.

Due to the par 39 point 8 of Study Rules and Regulations at SGH Warsaw School of Economics diploma exam has the oral form and consists of 3 questions:

  • two questions related to the major of study,
  • one question asked by reviewer and related directly to the thesis.

 Diploma Examination will be scheduled right after filling in the requirements below:

  • submitting Master’s Thesis,
  • Verification by Student’s Support Person​ the study programme and checking if the graduation is made,
  • giving the Thesis to the reviewer according to the supervisor guidelines and receiving positive review,
  • clear financial status.

Defense schedule

Person responsible for the Diploma Examination schedule is Ms Agnieszka Zdybel.

The day of defense can be checked in Defense schedule website (after log in with the name and password for SGH mailbox).

Student, supervisor and reviewer are informed about the term of defense by emails sent on SGH mailbox. The emails are send 7 days before the given date.

  • The initial and final date of defense can be checked at the Defense schedule website.
  • If the day of defense has been planned, earlier than 7 days prior to the date of defense, you can apply to change the date. To do that you shall submit application to the dean and indicate special circumstances. Each application will be reviewed individually.
  • If there is less then 7 days till the day of defense - you can’t change it.
  • Students are asked to check mailbox in sgh domain regularly as the information of defense would be sent there (par. 3 of Study Rules and Regulations).

Diploma (Master’s Degree) Examination

Before the diploma examination, it is verified whether the student has completed the subject requirements according to the study program applicable in the academic year in which they began studies.
Students resumpted are accounted for courses according to the study program for which they were resumpted. In case of any doubts, please contact Student’s Support Person.

Questions for diploma examination applicable for students according to the study program (by the academic year in which they started studying at SGH) 2023/2024
Questions for diploma examination applicable for students according to the study program (by the academic year in which they started studying at SGH) 2022/2023
Questions for diploma examination applicable for students according to the study program (by the academic year in which they started studying at SGH) 2021/2022
Questions for diploma examination applicable for students according to the study program (by the academic year in which they started studying at SGH) 2020/2021
 Joint Degree Programme – Models and Methods of Quantitative Economics – QEM (Diploma Exam Questions)
Double Diploma Programmes (Diploma Exam Questions)

University of Economics Prague

EDHEC Business School

Nova School of Business and Economics

Toulouse Business School

Université Laval

ZHAW School of Management and Law

Universita degli Studi di Firenze

Technische Universität Berlin

Johannes Gutenberg University

University of Duisburg-Essen

EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht 

European University Viadrina

Questions for diploma examination applicable for students according to the study program (by the academic year in which they started studying at SGH) 2019/2020
Questions for diploma examination applicable for students according to the study program (by the academic year in which they started studying at SGH) 2018/2019
Student’s card returning

There is no obligation to return the card. It will be automatically invalidated on the day of the diploma exam.

The right to use a student ID card is granted only to persons who retain the status of a student. This means that upon graduation (passing the diploma examination) or graduation (on the date when the decision to remove students from the list of students becomes final), these entitlements expire.