The project “GGP-PL: Generations and Families” constitutes Poland’s contribution to the development of the international research infrastructure Generations and Gender Programme (GGP). The main goal of the GGP is to collect, process, and make available (Open Access) high-quality, internationally comparable individual life course data that enable in-depth analyses of demographic transformations, referring to their main components – family transformations, gender roles, and intergenerational relations.
The overarching goal of the project “GGP-PL: Generations and Families” is to keep Poland in the mainstream of international social research on demographic behaviours and transformations in family life conducted by the GGP. This goal will be achieved through the implementation of a panel study: the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) in Poland from 2024 to 2028. Additionally, the project aims to develop the methodology of the survey and actively disseminate the acquired data within the scientific community. Another equally important goal of the project is to enhance the competence of the Polish scientific community in utilizing collected panel data and promoting their use among non-academic stakeholders.
Project implemented as part of the program “Support for the participation of Polish research teams in international research infrastructure projects”.