The rules of submitting master's thesis

When the definitive version of the thesis is ready you ought to upload it to the Archive for Diploma Theses (login and password are the same that for SGH mailbox and USOSweb).


The master thesis needs to be submitted in the fourth semester of studies.

The final date for submission of the diploma thesis for students of the current fourth semester of studies (2024/2025 summer) is September 24, 2025

The deadline for submitting the thesis is considered to be the date on which the supervisor issues a positive grade.

To allow the supervisor sufficient time to assess the thesis prior to the deadline, the student is required to upload the final version of the thesis, which has been approved by the supervisor, to the APD system by September 21, 2025. This requirement is outlined in the Dean’s Instruction regarding the submission of the diploma thesis.

The Master’s Diploma Exam can be taken in July. 
To qualify for this option, you must:

  • submit the diploma thesis by June 12, 2025 (upload the final version of the thesis to the APD system by June 9, 2025);
  • complete all courses required in the study program,
  • have no financial arrears.
Dean’s Instruction on submitting a diploma thesis.

Detailed instructions for submitting a diploma thesis are introduced based on of § 38 of the Regulations of first-cycle, second cycle and uniform master’s studies at the Warsaw School of Economics and Annex No. 1 to these regulations.

  1. The diploma thesis must meet the substantive and formal requirements indicated in the Study Regulations and Appendix 1 to the Study Regulations.
  2. The student uploads the diploma thesis to the APD system no later than three working days before the end of the second term of the session.
  3. The date of submission of the diploma thesis is the date of approval of the thesis evaluation card in the APD system by the thesis supervisor.
  4. The diploma thesis should be submitted no later than on the last day of the second session of the fourth semester of studies.
    Extension of this deadline is possible only at the student’s request submitted on the basis of § 38 point 7 of the Study Rules Regulations, sent no later than 14 days before the end of the basic deadline indicated in point 3.
  5. The diploma thesis is submitted by uploading its definitive version by the student to the APD system. At the same time, in a separate pdf file, the student uploads a scan of the signed statement of the author of the thesis. The form is available on the website.
  6. On the day of uploading the thesis to the APD system, the student is obliged to send an e-mail from his/her university address to his/her Assistant in progress (with the title “documents for the thesis XXXXX”, where XXXXX is the student’s record number), to which he attaches the documents required for submitting the thesis available on the DSM website: statement for the supplement, statement on the student’s additional activity (optional), confirmation of the fee for the diploma (in certain cases). Details are available on the website.
  7. The thesis supervisor is obliged to immediately verify the formal aspects of the submitted thesis (title page, abstract, author’s statement), in accordance with the rules set out in Appendix 1 to the Study Regulations.
  8. The thesis supervisor sends the diploma thesis for verification in the anti-plagiarism system. 
    Details of the anti-plagiarism verification process are available on the website.
  9. In the case of formal errors or sending it for correction, the thesis will be withdrawn from the APD system. The procedure is resumed after the irregularities have been removed.
  10. After obtaining the study report, supervisor completes and approves the work evaluation sheet in the APD system. The work evaluation sheet printed by the dean’s office is placed in the student’s files.
  11. After issuing the grade, the thesis supervisor sends the thesis reviewer’s proposals to the dean’s office to the address (in the title of the e-mail, enter “Reviewer’s proposal XXXXX”, where XXXXX is the student’s record number).
  12. The reviewer completes and approves the review form in the APD system within 15 days from the date of receipt of the information about entrusting this obligation. Information provided via e-mail addressed to the address in the “” domain.
  13. The thesis review card printed by the dean’s office is placed in the student’s files.
  14. After completing the documentation related to the diploma thesis and verifying the student’s graduation, the dean’s office determines the date of the diploma examination, agreed with the supervisor.
  15. Information about the final date of the diploma thesis defence is sent to the supervisor, reviewer, and student at the latest 7 days before its planned date, to their addresses in the “” domain.

Uploading the Thesis to APD system

To the system need to be added:

  • correct thesis title in language in which thesis was prepared (working title was uploaded to the system from the diploma seminar notification),
  • summary of the thesis in language in which diploma thesis was prepared,
  • key words in the language in which the diploma thesis was prepared,
  • electronic version of the thesis prepared in the form of a single PDF file; if the thesis contains attachments, they are also to uploaded to the APD system as zipped in one archive file (PDF, ZIP, TGZ, 7Z),
  • granting consent or refusal to grant consent, by marking a relevant option in the system, for making the defended thesis available in the reading room of the Library of SGH Warsaw School of Economics,
  • signed statement of the author needs to be uploaded in APD in the separate file in pdf format
  • please note there is an option to make your thesis confidential by choosing: thesis should not be available in the library.

Documents submitted with the thesis

A set of documents should be sent via e-mail to the administrative support person on the day of uploading the thesis to the APD system.
The list of documents to be sent includes:

  • statement to the diploma supplement (obligatory)
  • statement about extracurricular activities (non-obligatory)
  • confirmation of payment for an additional copy of the diploma (the third one, issued at the student’s request) PLN 20 - payment to the individual account number visible in USOSweb (the student’s album number must be provided in the transfer title) (Rector’s Ordinance No. 18 of 8.05.2019).