Semester declarations – Graduate Studies

From fall semester of the academic year 2023/2024 you can only register to courses via USOSweb

Please make careful decisions. Full-time students can’t withdraw from courses, change declared courses or join any courses after the end of semester declaration.

Exchange students should declare all the courses according to the declaration schedule. 

Courses in Polish and courses restricted to the specified field of study - except for Finance and Accounting Practical Profile and CIMA courses - will be available for exchange students in the Registration with Teacher’s Permission stage.

Course declaration schedule for the Spring 2024/25

The first stage - The Preferences 

The Preferences

from 2.11.2024 (Saturday), 10:00 a.m. to 6.11.2024 (Wednesday), 10:00 a.m.

The first stage of the declaration is aimed at collecting information on the number of applicants for individual classes. The collected data forms the basis for the decision to launch individual courses. We ask for reasonable and rational choices. Classes are started only after reaching the minimum number of applications specified in the Rector’s Ordinance.

NOTE 1.: Students who are accepted to courses launched in the fall semester will be automatically registerd for them in the second stage of the declaration.
The deadline for completing the declaration does not matter, because the ranking criterion applies to the allocation to courses.
Registrations for non-mandatory courses made in the Preferences are not binding and the automatically registered  non-mandatory courses may be deregistered from.

NOTE 2.: Students who do not take part in the Preferences of the declaration will not be allowed to create their timetable until the third round of the second stage of drclarations and thus will have a very limited choice. Failure to take part in the Preferences is not grounds for applying for registration to courses outside the declaration system.

NOTE 3.: Students who do not take part in the first stage of the declaration will not, except in justified cases (e.g. students of the last semester), receive permission for classes on an individual basis.

NOTE 4.: Students who do not choose mandatory courses assigned to a given semester will be registered to them by the dean’s decision, in particular students of the last semester of studies, will be added to the courses necessary to implement the study program, which they did not complete in previous semesters.

Publication of the preliminary class schedule for the spring semester 2024/25

to 8.01.2025 (Wednesday)

The second stage - the selection of courses (3 rounds)

This stage consist of three rounds.
Students may register to courses based on the preliminary class schedule for specific groups of courses. 

The First round – deregistration from non-mandatory courses 

from 11.01.2025 (Saturday), 10:00 a.m. to 14.01.2025 (Tuesday), 10:00 a.m.

In the first round (deregistration), it is possible to remove colliding classes and deregister from non-mandatory courses.

NOTE: Deregistering from non-mandatory courses is possible only in this round. The courses that remain in the cart after this round, will be mandatory for passing in the next semester.
Registration for courses will remain binding in subsequent registration rounds, and you will not be able to deregister from them. 

People who have been enrolled in a given course after their preferences are guaranteed a place in the group, also in the later stages and rounds of this registration.

During this round the Group Exchange will be active - you will be able to try to change colliging group instead of deleting it.

During this round it is not possible to register for any classes. Registering to classes will take place in subsequent rounds.


Technical break - automatic removal of all collisions (automatic deregistration from colliding classes).
from 15.01.2025 (Wednesday) to 16.01.2025 (Thursday)


The Second round - registration to groups based on ranking  – only for students who participated in the Preferences

from 17.01.2025 (Friday), 10:00 a.m. to 21.01.2025 (Tuesday), 10:00 a.m.

In this round, you have to register for the courses of your choice, based on the available schedule of classes. 

NOTE 1.: If the number of students trying to register for certain class exceeds the limit of places, a ranking will be applied, as a result the enrollment of students with the lowest place in the ranking will be canceled. That is why it is worth considering the choice of groups – sometimes it is better to sign up for a group with a smaller number of applicants and be sure that after the rankings the registration will not be canceled.

NOTE 2.: Until the end of this registration round it is possible to save, or remove from cart, the classes added to cart in this turn.

Technical break - ranking, and assignment to courses
from 22.01.2025 (Wednesday) to 24.01.2025 (Friday)

The Third round - registration to groups on the first come first served basis 
Third round - adding to groups if there are free places
from 25.01.2025 (Saturday), 10:00 a.m. to 29.01.2025 (Wednesday), 10:00 a.m.

Registration for classes by all students (all modes of study). During this round, registration for the launched courses is possible if the places in group are available (the “first come, first served” principle).

During this round the Group Exchange will be active.

NOTE: Until the end of this registration round, it is possible to save, or remove from cart, classes added to cart in this turn.
Once the round ends it is not possible to deregister from the classes declared as part of that turn.


Registration with Teacher’s Permission - a supplementary stage only for those students who, for important reasons, need to complete the declaration

from 14.02.2025 (Friday), 10:00 a.m. to 19.02.2025 (Wednesday), 10:00 a.m.

In justified cases (e.g. dissolution of the group, the need to repeat the course, an exchange students needs to add a course conducted in Polish), students can register for available places in groups, and over the limit with the consent of the lecturer, expressed via USOSweb.

In the registration with Teacher’s Permission stage, courses in Polish and courses restricted  to the specified field of study - except for Finance and Accounting Practical Profile and CIMA courses - will be available for exchange students.
NOTE: Registering to given course over the limit will be valid only after the lecturer accepts the registration in USOSweb. In the absence of such acceptance, the registration will be cancelled.

Acceptance of registrations
until 9th of October 2024 (Wednesday till the end of day)

One-time removal - withdrawing from the course according to clause 23 (does not concern exchange students)

From 28.02.2025 (Friday), 10:00 a.m. to 17.03.2025 (Monday), 10:00 a.m.

The Rules and Regulations of the first and second cycle programmes  at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, paragraph 23 point 12, states that once during the entire study period, within a month from the beginning of classes at the latest, the student shall be allowed to indicate a course the failing of which shall bear no impact on passing a semester or a year of his/her study. This shall not apply to the courses determined as mandatory in the curriculum. 

Resignation from the selected course in accordance with paragraph 23 point 12 of the Study Regulations. When selecting a course for removal, please note whether:

  1. it is a mandatory course (deleting major courses is possible only if it is an alternative to the one already completed),
  2. the student will have a sufficient number of ECTS credits to pass the semester, after the course has been cancelled, .

Verification of the courses for removal
to 19.03.2025 (Wednesday, until the end of the day)

Registration for the master thesis seminar

from 2.11.2024 (Saturday), 10:00 a.m. to 14.02.2025 (Friday), 10:00 a.m.

Registration via USOSweb for master’s seminar (for students starting the seminar in the summer semester). In accordance with the Study Regulations, the deadline for submitting a seminar expires at the end of the second semester of studies.

Instruction of the Dean of Graduate Studies on the rules for changing class groups
  1. The basic mechanism for changing the class group is the group exchange in the declaration system.  
  2. In emergencies, after exhausting the mechanism indicated in point 1, changes of classes are possible only in the following cases:
    - collisions in the student’s timetable 
    - change of group as part of classes conducted by the same lecturer
  3. In exceptional situations, pursuant to § 43 of the Rules and Regulations of first and second cycle study programmes and long cycle study programme at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, the Dean may decide to change the group based on other premises.
  4. A request for changing the group should be submitted in writing via an application using the USOS system
  5. A request for a change of group must be accompanied by the relevant documentation, which must support the reasoning presented. The request also requires the agreement of the instructor in the group to which the student aspires to be admitted.
  6. The application should be submitted no later than on the fifteenth day from the beginning of the semester

    The instruction comes into force on 30 January 2025.

Dr hab. Michał Bernardelli prof. SGH
Dean of Graduate Studies


Additional round 1 – deregistration from courses for Exchange students

before start of the spring semester - 11.02.2025 (10 a.m.) till 13.02.2025 (10 a.m.)

In the this  round (deregistration), it is possible to remove colliding classes and deregister from courses.

During this round it is not possible to register for any classes. Registering to classes via USOS will only be possible during Registration with Teacher’s Permission round.

Dean’s of the Graduate Studies Instruction 
  1. Before each subsequent semester, the student is obliged to register for classes by submitting a semester declaration within the deadline specified in the declaration schedule. The obligation to submit a student declaration results from paragraph 12 section 1. point 1. of the Rules and Regulations of First and Second Cycle Study Programme and Long Cycle Study Programme at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics (abbreviated Study Regulations) .
  2. In accordance with paragraph 34 of the Study Regulations: “The dean shall remove a student from the student list, in the case of failure to resume the study on the stipulated date (failure to resume the study shall, in particular, include unjustified failure to submit a student declaration)”
  3. If the student’s declaration is not submitted on time or if the incomplete declaration is submitted, in justified cases, the student may be registered for courses required by the study program, by the dean’s decision.
  4. Students applying for a change of field of study (change of Major) should exercise particular care in selecting courses.
  5. Declarations can be submitted only via USOSweb.
  6. The total number of ECTS credits declared for a given semester of Master’s degree studies may not be lower than 30, unless the student has a surplus of ECTS from previous semesters.
  7. Before arranging an individual study plan, one should familiarise oneself with the framework structure of the study programme in force in the academic year in which they started their studies,
  8. Students need to pay attention to all the requirements for the field of study (Major), including the order of completion of the major and major elective courses and as well as prerequisites stated in the syllabuses of specific  courses , as well as mandatory internships.
  9. Students are bound by the plan and program of studies appropriate for the academic year in which they started.
  10. Students of the second semester of master’s studies are obliged to choose a thesis supervisor by the end of the semester. The selection is made by USOSweb within the dates indicated in the declaration schedule.
  11. In accordance with the Study Regulations (paragraph 12, section 4), it is possible to attend  classes on an individual basis - the application form is available on the Graduate Studies website.
  12. The courses declared by the student become a binding individual semester study plan and are subject to mandatory implementation in a given semester.
  13. Changes to the declaration are possible only in USOSweb to the extent and dates specified in the declaration schedule.
General Information

According to paragraph 34 of the Study Regulations: “The dean shall remove a student from the student list in the case of failure to resume the study on the stipulated date (failure to resume the study shall, in particular, include unjustified failure to submit a student declaration)”

  1. Before each subsequent semester, the student is obliged to register for classes by submitting a semester declaration within the time limit specified in the dean’s instructions.
  2. Students applying for a change of Major should exercise special care when choosing courses.
  3. Declarations can be submitted only via USOSweb on the dates specified on the Graduate Studies Office website and in USOSweb.
  4. The total number of ECTS credits declared for a given semester of Master’s degree studies may not be lower than 30, unless the student has a surplus of ECTS from previous semesters.
  5. Before arranging an individual study plan for the next semester, you should check exactly which courses are necessary to complete the Major. In the semester declaration, the mandatory courses in a given semester of a given Major, should be selected for registration in the first place, and then elective courses (from the list of major electives and offer of elective courses). In addition, you should familiarize yourself with the framework structure of the study program in force in a given academic year and pay attention to all the requirements for the Major, including the order of completion of the major and major elective courses as well as prerequisites stated in the syllabuses of specific  courses, and mandatory internships.
  6. Students are bound by the study plan and program appropriate for the academic year in which they started their studies, additional information regarding program changes, suggested sequence of courses or restrictions regarding the launch of courses in a given semester is available on the Graduate Studies Office website in the Study Plan tab. Information should be followed before the start of each registration stage.
  7. The schedule for a given semester is published on the Graduate Studies Office website, in the Schedules tab.
  8. It is also worth knowing that in accordance with the Study Regulations (paragraph 12, section 4) it is possible to carry out some classes on an individual basis. To do this, complete the application form available on the Graduate Studies Office website.

We ask for prudent decisions. The courses declared by the student become a binding individual semester study plan and are obligatory for passing in a given semester. 
It is not possible to delete, add or replace courses declared by the student, outside the declaration system in USOSweb.

Rules for assignment to courses and groups

Assignment to courses takes into account the ranking position resulting from the table with bonuses and cumulative average of grades from studies or recruitment points, in a situation where it is possible to determine them. 
Rankings are created independently for each class. Assignments to classes are made in order starting from basic courses, through major and major electives, and ending with electives. In the event of a collision of classes chosen by the student during Preferences, another class group with the available places (identified on the basis of the aggregate preferences of all students) is selected.

Full-time Master’s students are recruited based on points from a placement test or an average grade from studies obtained at the SGH undergraduate level. Points from the placement test are proportionally scaled to the range from the smallest to the highest-grade average. The ranking is created by ranking the average grades from studies together with the converted points from the qualification test.


  • the course in English, student of studies conducted in English - 10.0
  • a student of double diploma programme - 20.0
  • an exchange student - 18.0
  • mandatory course at the assumed stage of the student - 10.0
  • mandatory course  on a cycle later than the assumed student stage - 5.0
  • mandatory course on a cycle earlier than the assumed student stage - 10.0
  • the assumed semester of the student is the first semester - 1.0
  • the assumed semester of the student is the second semester - 2.0
  • the assumed semester of the student is the third semester - 4.0
  • the assumed semester of the student is the fourth semester - 6.0
  • random differentiating number of students with the same characteristics on the ranking list (per course) - (0,0;1,0>
Rules for withdrawal from the course according to clause 23 

The Rules and Regulations of First and Second Cycle Study Programme and Long Cycle Study Programme at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics (abbreviated Study Regulations) paragraph 23 point 12  state that once during the entire study period, within a  month from the beginning of classes at the latest, the student shall be allowed to indicate a course the failing of which shall bear no impact on passing a semester or a year of his/her study. This shall not apply to the courses determined as mandatory in the curriculum. 

Rules for withdrawal from classes:

  1. You can only withdraw from courses that are not mandatory, which means that you cannot withdraw from basic courses, major courses, and major electives. In addition, you cannot withdraw from repeated courses. Withdrawing from the repeated course will result in the inability to pass the semester.
  2. Each of the courses available in the form is described in a way that suggests whether it is possible to unsubscribe from it or not. However, due to the different status of the same courses for individual students (related to different fields of study, etc.), the above-mentioned information should be treated only as an indication requiring verification (i.e. checking with an individual program and study plan).
  3. In the form, the student has the opportunity to choose only one course.
  4. The choice of the course made by the student is recorded in the database. However, during the period when the form is available, it is possible to change the decision and choose another course from the list.
  5. In the case of courses starting in the middle of the semester, it will not be possible to withdraw electronically (i.e. you will have to submit an application with a request to unsubscribe; the application should refer to paragraph 23 point 12 of the Study Regulations).
  6. If the decision to withdraw from a given course is positive, then the annotation “Course deleted” will appear in the “Decision” column (otherwise the annotation “Application rejected” will appear).
Instructions manuals for each declaration Stage 


Archived: Course declaration schedule for the spring semester 2022/2023

At this stage, each student is required to select the subjects in which he or she would like to participate in the next semester via the Virtual Dean’s Office, on the basis of the applicable study plan and program.

from November 9, 2022 (Wednesday 10:00 am )to November 14, 2022 (Monday, 10:00 am)

The first stage of the declaration is to collect information on the number of applicants for each class.
The collected data is the basis for the decision to launch individual courses. Please make sensible and rational choices.
When submitting the declaration, it is possible to track the number of entries for individual course.
Classes are started only after reaching the minimum number of applications specified in the Rector’s order.

NOTE 1: Students who, according to the ranking, will be assigned to running subjects will be automatically enrolled in the second

NOTE 2: Students who do not choose mandatory courses assigned to a given semester will be enrolled in them by the dean’s decision, in particular students of the last semester of studies, will be added to the mandatory courses that they have not completed in the previous semesters.

By 10/01/2023 (Tuesday 23:59 pm)

Publication of preliminary course schedule

Course declaration

Students declare courses according to preliminary schedule

12/01/2023 – 18/01/2023 (Thursday 10:00 am – Wednesday 10:00 am)

In this period each student should declare courses by Virtual Dean’s Office (VDO) in accordance with the Plan of Studies and course schedule (Students of Master’s Degree Programmes in English should declare Electives)

19/01/2023 – 25/01/2023

Technical Break

26/01/2023 – 3/02/2023 (Thursday 10:00 am – Friday 10:00 am)

In this period each student is obliged to declare courses by Virtual Dean’s Office (VDO) in accordance with the Plan of Studies and course schedule

Additional corrections of course declarations

18/02/2023 – 28/02/2023 (Saturday 10:00 am – Tuesday 10:00  am) acceptance of applications till 02/03/2023 (23:59 pm)

Students can apply via VDO for registration for courses free places and over the limit with the lecturers acceptance (via VDO)

NOTE: All the students who have conditional promotion due to failing course must register for the failed course

03/03/2023 – 20/03/2023 (Monday 10:00 am – Thursday 10:00 am) acceptance of applications till 23/03/2023 (23:59 pm)

Deleting course according to clause 23 point 11 of study rules and regulations

till 23/03/2023 (Thursday 10:00 am)

Declaring Master Thesis Seminar via Virtual Dean’s Office (VDO Applications)

till 17/02/2023 (Friday10:00 am) 

Declaring Master Thesis Seminar via USOS (USOS Applications)