Transfers within SGH – Undergraduate Studies

After passing the third semester, the student may change his/her field of study. The terms for changing the field of study shall be determined by the instruction of a dean of study.
Instruction of the Dean of Bachelor Studies on changing the field of study (in force from 27th September 2024)

With reference to §32 of Rules and Regulations (Schedule to Resolution No. 709 of the Senate of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics of 29 April 2020 with changes) I introduce the following rules concerning changing the field of study:

Change of the field of study is possible on the grounds of written request from student, submitted in the Undergraduate Studies Office in period from beginning of classes in current semester of studies (that means from the beginning of semester) until 7 days before beginning of first stage of semester declaration (preferences) for next semester, with effect from the beginning of next semester.

We suggest before submitting the request for students to make sure that the field of study they want to change to is launched in specific academic year. Receiving positive decision for changing the field of study to the one that is not launched in specific academic year is not possible.

Permission to change the field of study doesn’t mean acceptance for changes in the semester declaration in semester, that the application is submitted. Student is obliged to realize subjects according to the semester declaration. Student’s obligation is declaring subjects according to the new field of study for next semester, beginning from the one you received permission for changing the field of study. Student who is applying for changing of study must also take into consideration realization of plan of studies on the new field of study. Bachelor thesis defence will not be possible because of any lacking subjects according to the plan of studies. Changing of the field of study is not the ground to extend the time of study.

Undergraduate Studies Office
al. Niepodległości 162
phone: +48 22 564 98 55