Deputy Dean of Graduate Studies at SGH Warsaw School of Economics, and Head of the Macroeconomics and Public Economics Unit of the II Collegium of World Economy. A graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics, he received a doctoral degree in 2007 based on his dissertation entitled „The privatisation process in Central and Eastern Europe: A contribution to theory” [Proces prywatyzacji w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej. Przyczynek do teorii]. An author and co-author of nearly sixty articles and academic studies as well as numerous expert opinions commissioned by both private companies and public sector entities. His research focuses on economic theory, institutional economics, comparative economics of economic systems, with particular emphasis on comparisons of contemporary models of capitalism and public sector economics. He has won numerous awards and honours, both from the authorities of his alma mater and from students. Honoured with an award from the Minister of Education and Science in 2021 for significant achievements in scientific activities. A committed advocate for economic sciences, he regularly shares his insights as a commentator on radio and television.