CIVICA4Ukraine – SGH International Leadership Training for Early-Career Researchers

Event date:
16. - 21.09.2024, All day

SGH Warsaw School of Economics invites doctoral candidates and early career researchers from 5 Ukrainian universities, partners in CIVICA Alliance:  

  • Kyiv National Economic University (KNEU)
  • Kyiv School of Economics (KSE)
  • National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA)
  • Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv (UKU)
  • Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University (V.S. DonNU)

to take part in the CIVICA4Ukraine SGH International Leadership Training for Early-Career Researchers, which will take place at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, on September 16–21, 2024. Training will be held within “SGH and CIVICA for the European Future of Ukraine”, funded by NAWA – Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange.

SGH International Leadership Training for Early-Career Researchers is a summer school aimed at transferrable skills training for early career researchers enabling them to develop their communication, leadership, enterpreneurship ethical skills as well as to provide them with wider context of societal and economic development. This is a unique opportunity for early-stage researchers as emerging academic leaders to prepare for their research career paths, in academia and beyond and strengthen their transferrable skills. The Training will facilitate development of cooperation with SGH researchers, ECRs stakeholder representation and the SGH Doctoral School, as well as make them more acquainted with CIVICA and NAWA opportunities for researchers and PhDs. The program is developed together with the International Strategies Unit, Institute of Management, Collegium of Management and Finance.

Course plan  

Main topics:

  • Global thinking / Understanding global context  
  • Communication Training  
  • Creativity Training  
  • Leadership  
  • International Entreneurship
  • Social innovation  
  • Business Ethics  

Eligibility and selection  

The SGH International Leadership Training for Early-Career Researchers is open to doctoral candidates and early-stage researchers from 5 Ukrainian universities, partners in CIVICA alliance (KNEU, KSE, NaUKMA, UKU, V.S. DonNU). Please use your institutional email address in registration.

Selection will be made based on the merit criteria, taking into account the principles of equality and diversity. Deadline – 15th July, 2024. The selection results will be announced by 25th July 2024.

Funding rules  

Selected participants will receive a scholarship from SGH that will cover travel, accommodation and subsistence costs. Costs will be paid in cash upon arrival to Warsaw, based on the agreement signed with the participant. After the training completion participants will receive the certificate. For the financial control purposes, the participants will be asked to prepare the report from their participation in the training.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us – CIVICA for Ukraine Project coordinator in SGH – dr Iryna Degtyarova, Rector’s Representative for Cooperation with Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions:, +48502649512 

Type of event:
summer school



SGH, dr Iryna Degtyarova, SGH Rector’s Representative for cooperation with Ukrainian higher education institutions
