VAT in the Digital Age – modern and digital VAT or „new definitive regime”

Event date:
12.09.2024, 9:00 - 13.09.2024, 14:45
Institute of Finance invites you to participate in the conference entitled VAT in the Digital Age – modern and digital VAT or “new definitive regime” September 12/13, 2024r. Lecture hall I building C - SGH Warsaw or MS Teams (online).

VAT is the most important source of tax revenue in the Member States of the European Union. All the initiatives aimed at improving the efficiency of the VAT system, originating both from the particular countries as well as from the European Commission, are a subject of the intensive  scientific debate allover the Continent. One of the most pressing reform topics are the challenges of adjusting the regulations to the ongoing rapid digitalization of both society and economy.

Type of event:

SGH, al. Niepodległości 128, building C, auditorium I

online (MS Teams)


Institute of Finance
