Information from the Dean of Bachelor's Studies

Diploma thesis

Instruction of the Dean of Bachelor Studies on submitting the bachelor thesis and the diploma exam

in force from 10th January 2025


Instruction on the procedure and deadlines for excusing absences during exams (in force from 20th December 2024)

With reference to § 23.5 of the Rules and Regulations the following rules are introduced:

1. In case of absence on an exam due to illness, a student wishing to apply for an additional date in an extended exam session is required to provide a medical exemption within three days, counting from the day following its issue.  In case of long-term exemptions issued more than three days before the beginning of the examination session, the exemption must be submitted up to the first day of the exam session included.

2. The medical exemption may be submitted to the DSL by the following means: 
 a. by sending a scan of it (only from an address in the SGH domain) to the Assistant,
 b. in person or with the assistance of a third party to the registry office during student service hours, 
 c. via the e-PUAP platform,
 d. by post. 
The exemption sent in accordance with points b) - d) should be accompanied by the name, surname, student number, year and mode of study and the name of the Assistant.

3. In case of failing a subject after the end of the 2nd term of exam session, a student who has provided a medical certificate in accordance with point 1 may apply for an additional examination date if the examination date set in the session schedule coincided with the date of the medical certificate. An additional examination date should be requested by completing the appropriate electronic application form available in the USOS system.

4. The prerequisite for exercising the right to an additional date is not to have taken any examination at SGH during the period of validity of the medical leave correctly reported in the Dean’s office.

5. When requesting approval for an additional examination date for reasons other than illness, reliable documentation must be provided by attaching scans or legible photographs of the documents justifying the request for an extended session to the USOS application.

The instruction comes into force as of 20.12.2024.


Instruction of the Dean of Bachelor Studies from 27th September 2024 on the setting more than two exams on one day or a clash of exam times

With reference to §23.6 and §23.8 of Rules and Regulations effective from 1st of October 2021 enabling the Dean of Bachelor studies to set an additional examination date in case of setting more than two exams on one day for a student or a clash of exam times between two exams, I introduce the following rules concerning additional examination dates:

For additional term of exam you need to apply on appropriate form, prepared and provided by Undergraduate Studies Office.

A. Case of the time clash of exams or setting more than two exams on one day

  1. Students who have time clash of exams or those who have at least three exams on one day are entitled for additional term of exam in prolonged exam session. In case of overlapping times of exams it is assumed, that the student should take one of the colliding exams, and for others he can ask for prolonged exam session. In case of more than two on one day (without time clash) it is assumed, that the student should take two exams out of all and for others he can apply for additional term in prolonged exam session.
  2. The condition for exercising the use of this entitlement is reporting before the first day of exam session (separately for first and second term of exam session) of the fact of collision or more than two exams in one day. Declaration can be made via e-mail with the address from SGH domain to the Dean’s office assistant or in writing (during office hours) submitting sufficient information to Dean’s office.
  3. For additional term of exam you need to apply with electronic form in USOS or on appropriate form prepared and provided by Dean’s office, however applications submitted in USOS will be considered first.



Instructions on semester declarations, individual mode and enrolment in the bachelor seminar (in force from 20th December 2024)

With reference to § 3, 12 and 19 of Rules and Regulations, the following rules are introduced:

1. the student is obliged to submit a semester declaration for the following semester according to the schedule published on the Dean’s office website. Failure to submit the declaration may be treated as a failure to undertake studies and constitute grounds for removal from the list of students.

2. The student must first select the mandatory subjects for a given semester of study, in accordance with the sequence set by the Dean or the Curriculum Council of the relevant field of study. If a student fails to select mandatory subjects, the Dean has the right to interfere with the content of the declaration.

3. If a course is not offered, a student may apply for it on an individual mode basis by submitting an application in the USOS system within one month of the start of the semester. The application must be accompanied by the lecturer’s consent expressed in writing or in an email sent from the account in the SGH domain.

4. The selection of an bachelor seminar is mandatory by the end of the fifth semester of study, according to the announced enrolment schedule, and is done by the supervisor’s acceptance of the application in the USOS system. The bachelor seminar can be taken in the fifth or sixth semester of study.

5. Failure to choose a seminar in due time may result in the student being added to a supervisor designated by the dean.

6. In justified cases, it is possible to change the supervisor. In order to do this, student should submit an application in the USOS system with the consent of the current and new supervisor. A change of supervisor does not constitute a premise for requesting an extension of the deadline for submission of the Bachelor’s thesis.

The instruction comes into force on 20.12.2024


Transfer of previously obtained grades

Change of the field of study

Undergraduate Studies Office
al. Niepodległości 162
phone: +48 22 564 98 55