Cultural Literacies’ Value in Europe (CLiViE)

The Cultural Literacies’ Value in Europe (CLiViE) project develops and applies a Theory of Change (ToC) methodology and Social Return on Investment (SROI) framework to increase our understanding of the value of cultural literacy through arts-based education on social cohesion. 

Project will be delivered through four main phases: it ‘maps’ arts-based education within the context of cultural literacy learning across different learning environments and over different stages of a young person’s education; it ‘evaluates’ arts-based education to help identify and assess their actual outputs and outcomes; it ‘values’ arts-based education activities through calculating its impact to further contribute to our understanding of the ‘where’, ‘when’, ‘what’ and ‘how’ young people’s cultural literacies are developed, and differentiated in various learning environments; and it practices’ pedagogies through developing an innovative set of practices and materials to support art-based educators to develop social justice and inclusion and improve the lives of young people through collaborative pedagogy.

CLiViE is funded under the call topic HORIZON-CL2-2023-HERITAGE-01-07 - Promoting cultural literacy through arts education to foster social inclusion, and brings together a multidisciplinary team from 13 partners across 8 countries.

Project director:
dr Grzegorz Maśloch
Funding for SGH:
138 375 EUR
Project budget:
2 999 890 EUR
Financing institution:
KE: Horyzont
Project duration:
March 2024 - February 2027
Web of science classification category:
Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods
Organizational unit (collegium/department/unit):
SGH Warsaw School of Economics » Collegia » Collegium of Management and Finance » Department of Local Government Economy and Financing