Economic situation in Central and Eastern Europe during Covid-19 pandemic

The introduction of restrictions following the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic caused a massive economic shock. Therefore, in the section of the report devoted to the analysis of the economic situation in Central and Eastern Europe, we focus on analysing the effects of these restrictions.

For the purpose of analysis, the main macroeconomic indicators were selected, with particular emphasis on those describing key economic actors: enterprises and households. Both quantitative data (GDP, private consumption, investment, sold manufacturing production, construction and assembly production and retail trade) and business and consumer confidence indicators were analysed. For reference, we study the economic situation in the European Union (27 countries).

Though the analysis covers the years 1995-2020, particular attention was paid to the data from the last months, from March to May, since it  was exactly at that time that the drama of the economies that stopped functioning after lockdown had been imposed took place.

Project director:
Professor Elżbieta Adamowicz, Ph.D.
Financing institution:
SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Project duration:
January 2021 - December 2021
Web of science classification category:
Organizational unit (collegium/department/unit):
SGH Warsaw School of Economics » Collegia » Collegium of Economic Analysis
SGH Warsaw School of Economics » Collegia » Collegium of Business Administration
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