The purpose of the study was preparation of a concept of social responsibility strategy of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics based on the best practice of leading foreign economic universities along with results of workshops with the SGH Warsaw School of Economics employees, as well as outcomes of studies carried out among key external stakeholders of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics.
The starting point for the study was definition of the concept of the social responsibility strategy. On this basis, an analysis of best practice of leading foreign economic universities was carried out within the scope of the social responsibility strategies (SRS), both in reference to the content of the documents and the modes of their preparation. It was used to diagnose the types of SRS functioning in practice, which were subjected to a multi-criterion evaluation. On this basis, a type of the SRS best aligned to the specifics and the determinants of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics was designed. In parallel, surveys among key external stakeholders of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics were carried out, along with workshops among the SGH Warsaw School of Economics employees.
The on-line survey and the interviews/ panels addressed to the key external stakeholders of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics allowed for diagnosing the way in which they perceive social responsibility of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and which issues are considered fundamental in this respect. On the other hand, workshops carried out among the SGH Warsaw School of Economics employees as the key group for the efficient implementation of the SRS allowed for learning their expectations as to the issues that should be accounted for the in the social responsibility strategy of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics.
Recommendations resulting from the performed studies suggested, on the one hand, a concept of a social responsibility strategy of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics relying on the best type of the SRS that was selected and accounting for the expectations of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics stakeholders and on the other ˗ a set of GRI indices used to monitor the prepared strategy concept.