This project aims to study how industrial relations could shape progress towards the achievement of gender equality, relying on a multilevel framework including micro-, meso-, sectoral- and macro-levels Europe-wide, complemented by country-specific in-depth analyses. To accomplish this, VIRAGE will address the following research questions:
- How do the attitudes towards (or involvement with) social partners differ between male and female employees?
- What is the link between these attitudes and the labour market outcomes of these employees?
- What is the empirical linkage between collective agreements and gender gaps (e.g. in pay), taking into account individual and company characteristics?
- What are the empirical linkages between industrial relations structures (e.g. share of collective bargaining coverage, trade union density) and gender equality indicators of countries, taking into account other macroeconomic characteristics, across the EU?
- What are the perspectives and experiences of stakeholders (e.g. social partners, policymakers, other civil society actors) in tackling gender equality at national and EU levels?
- What is the empirical relation between industrial relations structures and gender segregation across industries in Europe?
- How do different Member States address gender equality issues, and how do their strategies align with industrial relations structures and differences within sectors?
Project director:
Iga Magda, Ph.D., SGH Professor
Funding for SGH:
127 688 PLN
Financing institution:
European Commission: other
Project duration:
May 2020 - October 2022
Web of science classification category:
Organizational unit (collegium/department/unit):
SGH Warsaw School of Economics » Collegia » Collegium of Economic Analysis