The rules of submitting bachelor's thesis

When the final version ot the thesis is ready you shall upload it to the Archive for Diploma Theses (login and password are the same that for SGH mailbox and VDO).


Deadline for submitting the bachelor thesis in spring semester 2023/2024, for students who would want to defend the thesis in July 2024, is 5th of June 2024. The deadline for submission of the thesis is the date of approval by the supervisor of the review in the APD system.

ATTENTION - date of uploading the thesis by the student to APD system expires 3 working days before the end of second term of exam session. In spring exam session 2023/2024, the deadlien is 31st of May 2024.

For remaining students - the deadline for submitting the thesis is 24th of September 2024 (deadline of uploading the thesis to APD system is 19th of September 2024).

Rules of submission on bachelor thesis - Instruction of the Dean of Bachelor Studies from 23rd of October 2023 on submitting the bachelor thesis is in force

It shall apply from 27th September 2024

With reference to §38.3 of Rules and Regulations effective from 1st of October 2023 I introduce the following rules concerning submitting the bachelor thesis:

1) The submission of the thesis is done by uploading it by the student to APD system and sending it for anti-plagiarism verification by the supervisor.

ATTENTION: scan of signed statement of author of bachelor thesis should be uploaded in separate file (in PDF form).

2) The student uploads the thesis to the APD system at the latest 3 working days before the end of the second term of exam session or the deadline for submitting the thesis indicated by the dean for students wishing to proceed to the defence in July.

3) After uploading the thesis to the APD system, the lecturer decides within 3 working days whether to accept the thesis (expressed by a positive review in the system) or reject it (expressed by a rejection of the thesis, non-acceptance of the anti-plagiarism report or a negative review of the supervisor).

4) After receiving the report from the anti-plagiarism test, the supervisor fills the review paper in APD system. After the review has been prepared, the supervisor sends an e-mail from the SGH account to which says “I accept as bachelor thesis” and indicating the proposed reviewer. In the e-mail title should be „supervisor XXXXX”, where XXXXX is the student’s number.

5) If the Rules and Regulations or Dean’s Instruction specify the latest deadline of submitting the thesis, it is deemed to have been met if the supervisor accepts the review in APD system before the deadline.

6) Within 7 days the latest from the moment the thesis is uploaded to the APD system, the student shall send an e-mail from the SGH e-mail address to  entitled “student XXXXX”, where XXXXX is the student’s number, giving the current telephone number, which is obliged to answer especially during the defence date, in case of technical problems on the part of the university.

The attachment to this e-mail are:  

  • personal questionnaire, which can be downloaded from the website: personal questionnaire
  • confirmation of payment for the diploma, paid by bank transfer to the individual account number from USOS,
  • in case of extracurricular achievements, about which information is included in the diploma supplement – additionally filled annex available on the website statement of the student’s additional activity ​​​ and confirmation of particular achievements in the form of e-mails send by appropriate SGH units or scans of documents.  The total volume of the attachments shall not exceed 20 Mb.

7) The Dean’s office notifies the reviewer appointed by the Dean of a thesis waiting for the review. The reviewer fill the form in the APD system withing 15 days from the day of receiving the information.

8) After receiving the complete documentation and verifying the student’s completion of studies, the Dean’s office informs the supervisor, reviewer and student about the planned date of defence, no later than 7 days before its date by e-mail to the SGH e-mail address.

The instruction shall come into force on 27th September 2024 and shall remain in force until further notice. Thus, the previous  Instruction of the Dean of Bachelor Studies on submitting the bachelor thesis from 23rd October 2023 is no longer in effect.

Payment for the diploma

Students who began or resumed studies from 1st of October 2019  according to the Rector’s Order no. 18 from 8 May 2019 should pay only 40 PLN for additional copy of diploma and supplement in English (20 PLN for the diploma and 20 PLN for the supplement). In case you check on the personal questionnaire the option “copies in Polish” or “copies in Polish and English” you don’t need to make any payment.

Students who began or resumed studies before 1st of October 2019 should submit also confirmation of payment for one of the sets :

  • diploma + two copies in Polish – 60 PLN,
  • diploma + copy in Polish and English – 60 PLN,
  • additional copy in English – 40 PLN.

Chosen set should be checked in the questionnaire.

Payment to the student’s individual account number from Virtual Dean’s Office (in the title of payment the student number is required).

Foreign students of English studies, ​accepted on basis different that binding Polish citizens, who began or resumed studies before 1st of October 2019, are discharged from the payment for diploma.

Polish citizens, studying in English, are discharged from additional payment for copy in English.


Undergraduate Studies Office
al. Niepodległości 162
phone: +48 22 564 98 55