Master studies International Business

Why study International Business at SGH?
Atuty kierunku

The second-cycle studies in International Business provide students with in-depth knowledge of management in international business and complementary disciplines.

Career prospects

The graduates can take up professional work analysts/specialists in the sales, export, marketing and logistics departments as well as in the long-term middle and senior managers of entities operating on international markets, international corporations, public institutions and non-governmental organizations operating internationally. They are prepared to run their own business, the scope of which includes foreign markets.

  • Business in Central and Eastern Europe
  • Doing Business in Emerging Markets
  • International Business Management
Mode and duration of study

Mode of study: full-time

Duration: 2 years (4 semesters)

Admissions and tuition


The application and admissions procedure has the following stages: 

  • registration in the online system,
  • submission of required documents,
  • end of submission of documents period,
  • verification of documents by SGH,
  • issuing decisions on admission,
  • information about registration for classes sent by Master Dean’s Office (in the registration system).

More information can be found here: 
application and admissions procedure for foreigners 
application and admissions procedure for Polish citizens​


2300 EUR (for one semestr) or 2350 EUR (for one semester, payment in installments, one installment 470 EUR)


The graduate of the second-cycle studies in the field of International Business at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics:


  • has a thorough understanding of the field of International Business and of the skills and research methods associated with that field,
  • has a command of the theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of International Business and the related sciences concerning the essence, norms and problems of the corporate operations on the international level and the effective methods of solving these problems,
  • displays knowledge necessary for understanding of complex processes and phenomena occurring in organisations and the world,


  • demonstrates the ability to conceive, design, implement manage and adapt substantial research processes within different fields,
  • has the ability to conduct professional activity on a domestic and an international level,
  • is able to contribute to the field of knowledge by conductin original research which merits publication in national or international refereed journals, he or she in particular is able to find and use the sources of knowledge and acquire facts related to international business,

Social competencies

  • is capable of effective team work, communication, negotiation and persuasion,
  • has the ability to integrate knowledge and handle its complexity, and formulate judgments with incomplete or limited information,
  • is knowledgeable about the ethical rules of running one’s own business and of social responsibility of international business, and acts in accordance with the principles in question.

The list of learning outcomes and programs for the first and second cycle programs at SGH:

Double Degree Programmes

SGH students may participate in Double Degree Programmes which enables them to obtain two academic diplomas in a single course of study.

Double Degree Programmes available to full-time students of International Business:

Qualifications to DDP programmes at Master’s level are conducted before the beginning of studies at SGH.

Admissions Office


al. Niepodległości 162
office 37, building G
02-554 Warsaw, Poland


phone: + 48 22 564 77 77


the office hours: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
(Monday till Friday)

Opportunities for people with disabilities

Support for people with disabilities, scholarships, disability access to buildings

Okładka informatora studiów w języku angielskim

Programmes in English
