CEMS MIM at SGH (Master's in International Management Programme)

CEMS Master's in International Management Programme

SGH is a proud member of CEMS since 1995 as a candidate member and became a full member following the decision of the CEMS General Assembly during the Annual Event in Vienna in 1998. Like all other members, SGH has its local CEMS Governance with the CEMS Office at SGH composed of the programme director and managers. The role of the CEMS Office is to design, prepare, execute, and monitor local MIM programme based on the guidelines and requirements of the CEMS strategic, executive, and management bodies coordinated by the CEMS Head Office

AE Sydney 2017 SGH award


The top quality of the CEMS MIM Programme at SGH has been recognised by two awards of the “CEMS School of the Year” for the years 2016-2017 and 2022-2023. The award criteria are based on the student evaluations and the assessment of the CEMS Quality Assurance Committee. 


SGH awarded "CEMS School of the Year 2022-2023"
Celebrating the CEMS School of the Year 2022-2023


CEMS students who will study a term abroad in the EU countries and the UK may be eligible for Erasmus+ Scholarships. To get a scholarship, you have to fill in several documents. A detailed list of documents, schedules, and requirements necessary to obtain an Erasmus+ scholarship is available at the Erasmus website at SGH. 

 On top of that, there are separate funds offered by our partner institutions to encourage students to go abroad. In case of the availability of such scholarships, you will be informed by the CEMS Office at SGH or our outgoing students officers. 

CEMS Courses at SGH - schedule and outlines

The class schedule for Term 1 is usually available in June, and for Term 2 in December/January.



Virtual Dean’s Office (VDO) 


Each term the Vice-Rector for International Relations and the CEMS Academic Director are awarding the “Outstanding Teacher Award” to the best teacher who delivered the top-ranked course. The selection is solely based on the results of the student evaluations which are collected on-line at the end of each CEMS course. 

The award ceremony is a part of our CEMS Summer Gala (for Term 1) and CEMS Winter Gala (for Term 2).

The Award for:

Term 1 2021/22: 
Organisational Behaviour – Management Skills by Prof. Jacek Miroński

Term 2 2021/22: 
Solving Social Challenges – Managerial Tools by Prof. Dominika Mirońska

Term 1 2022/23: 
Leadership: Managing People, Systems and Self by Prof. Cezary Wójcik

Term 2 2022/23: 
Finance for Executives by Prof. Tomasz Berent

Term 1 2023/24: 
Leadership: Managing People, Systems and Self by Prof. Cezary Wójcik, and
Quantitative Methods in Management by dr Marek Radzikowski (ex equo)

Term 2 2023/24: 
Corporate Governance and Sustainability by Prof. Maria Aluchna


CEMS Courses at SGH - registration

The schedules and details of registration will be announced by email to all CEMS students in advance. For term 1 (fall ) registration is opened in June/July, and for term 2 (spring) in January.

Registration takes place through the USOS system.



WINTER SEMESTER (TERM 1)  -  Course: Commercial Due Diligence for Private Equity: Practical Aspects with Bain & Company  

Course code: 23A2D1-0699  
Instructor: Professor Mariusz Radło
ECTS: 6.0 

Deadline for applications: closed

Resignations are possible till 09.10. Resignation should be done by e-mail to lecturer M. Radło, CEMS office and Bain & Company.  

Participation in all workshops and classes is mandatory. Classes take place in person.

Classes will take place on Thursdays from 8:00 - 13:20 on: 

3rd October 2024,
17th October 2024,
28th November 2024,
5th December 2024,
19th December 2024

The course is only for full-time MA students. 

More information about the course

WINTER SEMESTER (TERM 1)  -  Course: Developing a Winning Sales and Marketing Strategy with L’Oreal   

Course code: 238161-0456  
Instructor: PhD Justyna Szumniak-Samolej
ECTS: 7.0 

Deadline for applications: closed

Resignations are possible till 09.10. Resignation should be done by e-mail to lecturer Justyna Szumniak-Samolej, the CEMS office and L’Oreal.  

Participation in all workshops and classes is mandatory. Classes take place in person.

Classes will take place on Thursdays from 13:30 - 18:50 on: 

17th October 2024,
24th October 2024,
14th November 2024,
28th November 2024,
12th December 2024 

The course is only for full-time MA students. 

More information about the course

WINTER SEMESTER (TERM 1)  -  Course: Organisational Transformation with Kearney: From Strategy to Success  

Course code: 23A0S1-0190 
Instructor: Professor Mikołaj Pindelski
ECTS: 6.0 

Deadline for applications: 2nd round till 18th September 2024

Resignations are possible till 09.10. Resignation should be e-mailed to lecturer Mikołaj Pindelski, the CEMS office and Kearney.  

Participation in all workshops and classes is mandatory. Classes take place in person.

Classes will take place on Thursdays from 13:30 - 18:50 on: 

3rd October 2024,
10th October 2024,
7th November 2024,
5th December 2024,
19th December 2024

The course is only for full-time MA students. 

More information about the course


SPRING SEMESTER (TERM 2) Course: Strategy Development in Practice with McKinsey and Company 

Course code: 236117-0456 

Instructor: Prof. Mirosław Jarosiński

ECTS: 7.0 

Deadline for applications: NOT YET AVAILABLE

Resignations are possible till (TBA). Resignation should be e-mailed to Prof. Jarosiński, the CEMS office, and McKinsey.  

How to apply: 

Submit an updated CV in English. 

 Participation in all workshops and teamwork between sessions is mandatory. 

The course is only for full-time MA students.

Classes will be held on: TBA

More information about the course will be available during the registration period.

SPRING SEMESTER (TERM 2) Course: CEO Academy Growth Strategies for Global Tech Startups 

Course code: 239611-0456 

Instructor: Prof. Joanna Żukowska

ECTS: 1.5 

Deadline for application: NOT YET AVAILABLE

Resignations are possible till (TBA). Resignation should be e-mailed to Prof. Żukowska, the CEMS office, and Daftcode. 

From academic year 2018/2019 offered only as a course, in exceptional cases can be credited as a skill seminar. The course is not offered in 2023/2024 a.y.

Participation in all workshops and classes is mandatory.  

The course is only for full-time MA students. 

Classes will take place - time and date TBC

More information about the course is available at

course website

WINTER SEMESTER (TERM 1)  -  Course: Developing a Winning Sales and Marketing Strategy with L’Oreal   

Course code: 238161-0456  

Instructor: PhD Justyna Szumniak-Samolej

ECTS: 7.0 

Deadline for applications: NOT YET AVAILABLE

Resignations are possible till (TBA). Resignation should be e-mailed to lecturer Justyna Szumniak-Samolej, the CEMS office, and L’Oreal.  

Participation in all workshops and classes is mandatory. 

Classes will take place on: (TBA)

The course is only for full-time MA students. 

WINTER SEMESTER (TERM 1)  -  Course: Organisational Transformation with Kearney: From Strategy to Success  

Course code: 23A0S1-0190  

Instructor: Professor Mikołaj Pindelski

ECTS: 6.0 

Deadline for applications: LABLE

Resignations are possible till 10. Resignation should be e-mailed to lecturer Mikołaj Pindelski, CEMS office and Kearney.  

Participation in all workshops and classes is mandatory. 

Classes will take place on Thursdays from 13:30 - 18:50 on: 

5th   October 2023,
12th October 2023,
16th November 2023,
7th   December 2023,
21st December 2023

The course is only for full-time MA students. 


SPRING SEMESTER (TERM 2) Course: CEO Academy Growth Strategies for Global Tech Startups 

Course code: 239611-0456 

Instructor: Prof. Joanna Żukowska

ECTS: 1.5 

Deadline for application: CLOSED

Resignations are possible till 25.02.2023. Resignation should be e-mailed to Prof. Żukowska, the CEMS office and Daftcode. 

From academic year 2018/2019 offered only as a course, in exceptional cases can be credited as a skill seminar. 

Participation in all workshops and classes is mandatory.  

The course is only for full-time MA students. 

Classes will take place - time and date TBC

More information about the course will be available during registration period.



The schedules and details of registration will be announced by email to all CEMS students in advance. For term 1 (fall ) registration is opened in June/July, and for term 2 (spring) in January.

Registration takes place through the Virtual Dean’s Office.

Virtual Dean’s Office (VDO) 

Term 1: Block Seminar

Block Seminar is the CEMS MIM opening event for all students of the given class. It is a week-long intensive course delivered by lecturers from SGH and other CEMS schools with the participation of CEMS Corporate and Social Partners. It may be organised at SGH or in a remote area, depending on the seminar concept. Participation in the seminar is mandatory for all Term 1 students who register for it. Those assigned for the whole term at SGH - both local and incoming - (unless they relocate for another seminar) have to join it. 

Block Seminar description

In case of sickness or other force majeure cases, you may ask your local Programme Manager/Academic Director for permission to take it elsewhere (if it is still possible) or next year. 


Topic: Business Diplomacy - Leveraging Stakeholders’ Engagement for International Growth

Dates: 16-20 September 2024

Place: Hotel near Warsaw 

Lecturer: Dr Honorata Nyga- Łukaszewska 

Seminar Fee: EUR 300 (TBC)

BS Tentative Agenda and Course Description will be available in late August.

Term 2: Global Citizenship Seminar

Global Citizenship Seminar is a 2-day event to integrate local and incoming students at the beginning of Term 2. It consists of 

  •  2-day class on „Global Citizenship” that is worth 1 ECTS
  • Student Event, which could be a conference with an extensive social programme or just a student party 

Participation in the Event (Skill Seminar) is mandatory for all Term 2 CEMS students at SGH. 

In case of remote location (outside SGH), participation in the GCS may require a fee of up to 100 €. 

In the case of the SGH location, the fee may be ca. 50 €. 

Global Citizenship Seminar

 TERM 2 - 2024/2025

 The GCS seminar will be held on the dates of 21-23 February 2025

Location: Hotel near Warsaw (TBC)
Class hours (TBA)
Fee: 100 EUR (TBC)

Seminar outline (TBA in December).

The Registration Form & Detailed Outline will be sent out in January 2025. The Seminar is a MANDATORY programme component, so please do not plan any other activities/commitments for these three days. 

Term 2: Business Projects

SGH offers a variety of Business Projects prepared by CEMS and non-CEMS companies in various sectors.  

Business Projects description


The projects will be assigned based on students and company preferences, we will use the scientific allocation service from Corvinus University adjusted to our needs. The system will provide us with optimal and fair allocation solutions satisfying our requirements taking into account students and company preferences.  The company will make the ranking list based on students’ CVs (from the CEMS CV Database). Students will make their preference list based on the project descriptions provided below. 

To learn more about the BP guidelines and detailed description of proposed business projects 2025 (that will help you to make your preference), please download and read the dedicated material.

 Any questions related to BP’s should be addressed to Prof. Tomasz Sikora - Business Projects’ Coordinator at SGH. 


All BP participants are requested to attend both meetings, presence is mandatory. The BP Kick-off meeting is held in the first week of the semester (end of February) and the BP conclusion meeting is held at the end of the semester (the beginning of June). Details about exact dates, times and places will be delivered in advance to the students via e-mail. In case of questions or doubts, please contact the CEMS Corporate Relations Manager. 

Prof. Tomasz Sikora
SGH Business Projects Coordinator  
+48 501 755 200 
e-mail: tsikora@sgh.waw.pl 

Aneta Szydłowska, MA   
CEMS Corporate Relations Manager at SGH  
Location: Room 7, Building A  
Rakowiecka Street 24 
Phone: 22 564 92 13 
Office hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 11.00-13.00  
e-mail: aszydlo@sgh.waw.pl 

Term 3: International Internship



International Internship is an integral part of MIM studies but, unlike other programme components, is not organised by member schools (even if in most cases university units, like career placement centres may assist you or propose such internships). 

This section was designed to provide you with the following information:  

  • Internship validation to learn about basic rules and regulations concerning internship abroad,
  • Link to CEMS Internship Guide on career services at CEMS schools,
  • Get some tips on internship contracting,
  • Learn about useful certificates issued by the local CEMS office to assist you in gaining an internship,
  • Download the CEMS Internship Evaluation Form, and
  • Learn how to get your internship additionally financed from the Erasmus+ Programme.
  • The internship noticeboard is available further on this page, so please read for useful links with internship and job offers. 


An International Internship may be completed anytime before, during and right after the MIM year. This is interpreted in a way that internship must be taken NOT EARLIER THAN AFTER COMPLETING ALL REQUIRED COURSES DURING BACHELOR’S STUDIES. As a rule, it cannot overlap with a semester classes. The internship can take place at CEMS Corporate Partner (preferably) but it may take elsewhere in the World. Since the internship is not offered within the CEMS MIM programme, it is a student’s responsibility to find it. Of course, students may get assistance in finding such internships via local Career Placement Offices or by collecting and placing internship offers locally. 

The internship (or employment) must cover a consecutive period of at least 8 weeks in the same company.  

It has to take place abroad (outside the student’s citizenship, outside the country of the student’s home university or outside the country of his/her secondary/bachelor’s education). It should be at the graduate level and approved by the home institution (preferably before its start).

Starting from 2013/2014 a.y. International Internship is called Term 3, which means some possibility to extend the student’s status (if the local rules at CEMS school allow) for a period of an internship. One of these terms might be done at home school, which means that Tri-national track students may complete the internship at home school country (or country of citizenship) provided it is an international company. 

Another flexibility allowed by CEMS is that your internship abroad may be validated even if you are employed by a local company, but you will be conducting several (at least one-week, optimally two-week) projects abroad (in the same or different locations and for different companies - if these are e.g. consulting projects) that would make a total of 8 weeks. Be aware, however, that all these projects must be done within the employment/internship with one, particular company.  Different projects within employment with two or more companies will not be validated. 


Since 2025 CEMS has introduced more precise but also more rigid rules concerning validation of the internship. It refers in particular to the cases of pursuing the internship at home country and when internship is conducted in online mode.

According to the rules, students can work in the same country of their citizenship and where their CEMS home school is located if the company operates in at least two countries AND if at least one of the following applies:
a. Students spent two academic CEMS terms away from their home school
b. Students completed all their high school or their complete bachelor’s degree programme in a country different from their citizenship and home school country
c. Students have medically documented special psychological or physical needs that require specific accommodations.

Another exception may be the obstacle resulting from difficulties in obtaining visas and/or work permits.

The student’s start-up or business may also be validated as the equivalent of the CEMS internship abroad (read more in the internship guide and/or student guide).


To learn more about career placement services and support in finding internships at all CEMS member schools, please take a look at the CEMS Internship Webpage. 

To assist you in that process CEMS GO and Corporate Relations Managers have prepared a CEMS Internship Guide that is updated annually. The current brochure is available on above mentioned webpage and in the CEMS Media corner with all CEMS brochures. 



All students who find an internship should: 


Register your internship. Regardless you have already completed or are in progress with your intership/employment, or plan do to so, please register it via the student private zone at www.cems.org (Student Zone left tab and then “International Internship” menu) and then click “add an internship” and fill in all fields of the form including the name and email address of the internship/job supervisor who later will be notified to evaluate the student online, once the internship is completed. 

Friendly advice: If you have not yet started your internship, please check with your Programme Manager, whether the internship/employment you with to do as a part of CEMS MIM meets the programme requirements.



The CEMS Programme Manager will check the information provided by you and confirm whether the internship meets CEMS requirements. The student may check the status of his/her internship in the private zone:  

“Pending” means that the internship form has been sent to PM and awaits PM confirmation. 

“Confirmed” means that the internship has been approved by PM and awaits evaluation by the internship supervisor. The supervisor will be notified one week before the end of the internship (for internships lasting less than 12 weeks) or one month (for longer internships). The system will also generate reminders. PM may also send the request manually.  The supervisor receives an email from the internship@cems.org account. Please ask the supervisor to check spam. If the message is not arriving, please contact PM for assistance.

“Validated” - Evaluation has been submitted by the internship supervisor by filling it out online or by uploading the official company evaluation form (if a company, for any reason, does not want to use the CEMS format). 

After evaluation, the student may see part of the evaluation (except questions 20 to 22) or full company evaluation if uploaded separately. Receiving the evaluation finishes the process. 

Detailed information and guides on how to fill out the internship evaluation online are available at the student’s private zone. The Student’s Guide on how to register your internship is available here.


INTERNSHIP CONTRACT (an optional document, the company requests once the internship form online receives “confirmed” status) 

Once the internship is approved, the student may sign an internship contract directly with a company or also with the home university (represented by the CEMS Programme Manager at SGH). An internship contract, however, is not required for validation. The sample contract text (that can be modified) one may download from here:



In some countries (like Germany) interns might be released from some taxes, provided they submit a certificate of enrollment along with a statement, that internship abroad is an obligatory part of their study programme. 

To assist you in that process, all interested students should contact the CEMS Programme Manager at SGH and ask for such document, providing the coordinator with the following data: 

  • Surname and Name
  • Date and Place of Birth
  • Student ID No.
  • Enrollment Date
  • Year of studies
  • Major(s) studied
  • Expected Graduation Year 

If required they may give a company name and period of internship. 


We would like to inform you that all students who are going to take an internship abroad that lasts at least 3 months may apply for the Erasmus+ scholarship. All interested students should contact the Erasmus Programme Officer or the Incoming Students’ Officer at the International Centre for further information. 


International Center 
Grzegorz M. Augustyniak, MA 
CEMS Programme Manager at SGH  
Location: Room 12 (entrance through room 13), Building A  
Rakowiecka Street 24 
Phone: 22 564 92 48 
Office hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 11.00-13.00  
e-mail: august@sgh.waw.pl 


Student are responsible for finding their own CEMS internship, however here is some helpful information and links to internship and employment offers. 

 SGH Career Placement Centres  
 HigherEd Global Talent Portal
 dedicated CEMS webpages ON CAREER SERVICES 
 CEMS Career Forum - a very popular way of finding a job or internship is to register for the Career Forum which takes place once a year in November.

    CEMS Social media groups:

  •      LinkedIn groups for alumni and students – CEMS groups
  • CEMS Worldwide FB group
  • CEMS International Development FB group


Below you will find links to websites and offers with internships:
ABB internship offer
Arla internship offer
Bayer internship offer
Beiersdorf internship offer
E.ON Internship offer
Gartner internship offer
Google internship offer
Google business internship offer
Hilti internships/jobs offer
McKinsey - CEMS International internship
MERCK  internship offer
Munich RE intenship offer
Novo nordisk internship offer
P&G internship offer
Reckitt Benckiser internship offer
Siemens internship offer
Société Générale internship offer
Societe Generale International Internship program
Swiss RE internship offer
UniCredit Intership offer
Whirlpool internship offer
zeb internship offer
Jobted UK
Jobted (internships in Ireland)​


Here we publish information about graduate programmes offered by corporate partners:

ABB – Global trainee Program
Arla – F15 Graduate Programme
Arla - MENA Graduate Programme
AstraZeneca Talent programmes
Bayer Graduate Programmes
Beiersdorf - International Graduate Trainee Program: Beyond Borders
BNP PARIBAS – Graduate Programmes
Coloplast Global Career Opportunities
EF – EF360 Global Management Trainee program
EF Global Finance Program
E.ON – E.ON Graduate Programme, placements, apprenticeships
Hilti – Outperformer – Hilti Global Management Development Program
Kerry – Graduate Development Programme
KONE International Trainee Program (ITP)
GoWithMaersk Graduate Program
MERCK – Goglobal Graduate Program
Novo nordisk – Graduate programmes / Early career programmes
P&G managerial Traineeships
Reckitt Benckiser Graduates opportunities
Société Générale – Graduates programmes
Swiss RE  Graduates@Swiss RE programme
UniCredit Impact Graduate Program /Graduate Programs
Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield International Graduate Programme
Whirlpool – Fast Track Management Program (Graduate Program)
Volvo Car Group Graduate Programs
zeb – opportunities for graduates


Term 1 and 2: Skill Seminars

SGH is proud to offer an extensive range of skill seminars for CEMS students. They are organised by CEMS corporate partners, CEMS alumni and CEMS Professors. Each semester SGH organises 3 - 8  skill seminars. The skill seminars offer is available on

CEMS Career Center (you can also log in via the cems.org platform)

Skill seminar description 

Additionally, from 2022/2023 SGH offers Skill Seminar of Giving:

Registration for skill seminars is done via the CEMS Career Center (JobTeaser platform) and on a first-come first-served basis. Details about registration can be found in the file attached for each skill seminar. Confirmation of registration will be sent after the deadline for each skill seminar. 

The final validation of skill seminars will be based on the participants’ list submitted by an instructor and will appear in the CEMS database. Students who wish to request to accept as skill seminar training sessions organised by companies outside the MIM programme, should submit such request along with a seminar certificate and description (including the exact duration of such seminar) to the CEMS Corporate Relations Manager at SGH. 


According to CEMS MIM rules, students may resign (sending notification to the CEMS Programme Manager at SGH) no later than 5 days before the seminar, unless the student may provide valid justification (sickness, accident or other major case). Such cancellation does not involve any sanctions. 

Missing one skill seminar without cancellation or valid justification results in a ban on registrations for any skill seminar in the current and next term! In addition, after a ban period, it results in the automatic placement of a student in the last order on the Waiting List for any skill seminars. Missing two skill seminars without cancellation or valid justification may result in removing the students from the CEMS MIM Programme. Please observe these rules to avoid such complications in pursuing your CEMS MIM Programme. 

In these uncertain times, we should all be prepared for the unexpected inconveniences that may come from the changing situation that may arise in the Fall of this year. This may result in changes regarding our skill seminars from slight i.e. changing the date or hour or the format of the event (to online), to huge measures i.e. cancellation of the skill seminar. Keep this in your mind.  

Aneta Szydłowska, MA   
CEMS Corporate Relations Manager at SGH  
Location: Room 7, Building A  
Rakowiecka Street 24 
Phone: 22 564 92 13 
Office hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 11.00-13.00  
e-mail: aszydlo@sgh.waw.pl 


The Student-Alumni Mentorship Programme (SAMP) and Global Advisory & Mentoring Platform (GAMP) are designed to help students in their professional career planning.

SAMP (Student-Alumni Mentorship Programme)
SAMP matches together students and alumni as mentors who can provide support and advice on studies, internships, exchange semesters, applications or career choices. It can also create new friendships and a unique long-term relationship among the participants.

SAMP best practices

GAMP (Global Advisory & Mentoring Platform)
Whereas SAMP provides in-person mentoring, the GAMP is an online platform, which facilitates self-matching and allows making free phone calls to connect with CEMS participants from across the world to provide and receive advice and mentoring from any location.

GAMP platform



Validation of CEMS Terms

Validation of term abroad at SGH 

 Validation of term abroad at SGH for incoming students is based on their performance and must meet the minima stipulated by CEMS, which basically are: 

  •  one mandatory Core course per term   
  • max. 7.5 ECTS can be replaced by a Research Project
  • you may take one Open Elective (course outside the MIM Programme if allowed at the host school and if required to your local degree programme) up to 7.5 ECTS
  • minimum of 24 ECTS, and a maximum of 37.5 ECTS in total to be passed per term, including Core, Electives and a Business Project (Term 2 only).
  • max. 15 ECTS in Electives can be taken after and before the CEMS MIM term (subject to approval by the local academic director or programme manager). 

After application of all flexibility rules, a student must successfully pass a minimum of 24 ECTS per term, and will be able to credit a maximum of 37.5 ECTS per term. This includes courses, the Block Seminar, Global Responsible Leadership Seminar, skill seminars and the Business Project.  Credits taken prior to or after the MIM year do not affect this requirement. 

 More details on CEMS requirements can be found at

CEMS Student Guide

 CEMS term/year calculator (tool) 

 To assist you in calculating your MIM Term / Year workload, our colleagues in Cologne have developed a simple tool in Excel (modified by us) to calculate your planned/completed programme components. It calculates whether you reached the minimum or maximum of workload for the term and whether you have completed all required programme components in coursework. If, after applying that tool, you still have doubts, please contact your local programme manager. 

CEMS Term Calculator to download:

 SGH requires their students to earn 30 ECTS credits per term (or a minimum of 24 ECTS, provided you have a surplus of SGH credits equal to the difference between 30 ECTS and the number of ECTS taken abroad), so on top of CEMS MIM they might be required to take a couple of other courses as well. After each semester validations of term abroad are issued and sent to the programme manager. 

 Transfer of SGH grades into the CEMS database

The CEMS Office at SGH does not have access to your exam protocols, but we have access to USOS, so once the grades are transferred to the system, the PM will gradually add them to your CEMS profile at cems.org.  Once the courses and grades are uploaded, please check your profile and send an email to PM if there is any discrepancy. 

Validation of term abroad for SGH STUDENT (outside country of Bachelor’s studies and home university) 

 To validate a semester abroad, SGH students must earn abroad minimum of 30 ECTS and not less than 24 ECTS if they have a surplus of credits at SGH from previous semesters. All students who are qualified to study a term abroad must fulfil local requirements and submit necessary documents including a Learning Agreement and a special Term Abroad Request Form (Skierowanie na wyjazd za granicę). 

Upon permission of the CEMS Programme Manager at SGH or the Academic Director, students may spend both terms abroad (tri-national track) provided one of these terms takes place in Europe. 

 SGH Grading system and its conversion into ECTS grading scale/table, you will find here.

Please note, that the conversion table is regularly updated, but may be published with a delay, so please use this table for general reference. The actual conversion of the grades in the particular university may differ from the values provided there.


2025 CEMS GRADUATION - RIo de Janeiro (EAESP-FGV) - 6 December 2025

The coming graduation will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, hosted by EAESP-FGV located in Sao Paulo. The exact date of the Graduation Ceremony is Saturday, 6 December 2025. Please plan ahead your days off and flights to be there! 

All students who complete their MIM year and fulfil all or most programme components (so they expect to graduate from CEMS MIM in the given year) must inform their local programme manager in advance in July. Those who have still some components to complete (like language test, final exam thesis, internship abroad) should also do so. The process of collecting data on potential graduants is divided into two stages: Early Graduants and Regular Graduants. 


Early Graduants are CEMS students who have already completed the programme, or will complete it by mid-May 2025. Such students were obliged to fill in the MS-Form declaration of graduation in 2025 by the end of May 2025. Based on that declaration, completed documents and prepared draft certificates, CEMS HO will conduct certificate checking. After successful verification, students will get a status of CEMS Graduants and will be able to register for CEMS Graduation Ceremony.


Regular Graduants are CEMS students who have completed the programme, or plan to complete it by 7 November 2025 at the latest. Such students are obliged to:  

1) Submit their initial willingness to graduate this year by 31 May 2025

2) Confirm their willingness to graduate this year by 8 September 2025.

3) Complete all programme components and submit the required documents by 7 November 2025 at the latest (the internship must begin no later than 8 September 2025).

Based on information placed in the CEMS database, the manager prepares a draft online certificate that is sent to the CEMS Head Office for verification. PM must submit all draft certificates by 13 October 2025.


In case you are just expecting a thesis defence or your internship is in progress, or just took language tests and are awaiting results, please do the same except the fact that you will submit documents (statement on your successful defence or internship evaluation form in original, on-line language tests results) immediately after completing the given component. If everything is fine, I will notify you that you can graduate. Others will have to cancel their registration for the Graduation Ceremony and Dinner. 

To graduate in 2025, all programme components should be completed by the end of October except for the SGH graduation date which should be no later than 3 November 2025. Another exception is an internship that must begin no later than 8 September 2025, and a finishing date (as stated on the evaluation form), cannot be later than 2 November 2025. In the case of an internship, the validation has to be done online by the supervisor indicated in the online form. The requests for evaluation will be generated from the system (an email from internship@cems.org account). Please ask your supervisors to check spam just in case.  Once the internship is evaluated an email with confirmation of validation is sent to the student and programme managers.

If everything is fine (the final exam is passed, language test results are positive, and the internship evaluation reaches our office), the student may confirm his/her participation in the Annual Events. 


The deadline for registration of graduants to Annual Events is 10 November 2025 (TBC). NO LATE REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED!!! 

From 2024 the certificates and diplomas are no longer in paper format. Instead, the graduates must register and log in to the CEMS Alumni Platform and download both documents signed electronically. It is a secure document that you the alumni may present as proof of educational achievement. 

During the graduation ceremony, the alumni receive a provisional diploma as a token of their graduation. We are considering organising a local CEMS Graduation Ceremony at SGH to officially handing the printouts of the diploma and certificate during the CEMS Winter Gala for Term 1 students. This event is usually held just before Christmas. The exact date will be announced before the beginning of Term 1. 

Registration for Annual Events is conducted via the CEMS Website and usually starts in June/July. 


You have to graduate within 18 months of graduating from SGH. To extend this period, you have to contact the CEMS Programme Manager and submit a request with justification (postponed graduation at home school, internship on the way, force majeure, etc.). For example, a student who has graduated from SGH in June 2024, should graduate from CEMS in 2025. Those who graduated earlier must apply for the extension. 

However, you can’t prolong it for ages. You have to graduate from SGH within 5 years after completing your CEMS MIM year with a possibility to extend this period in justified cases following the student’s request to the CEMS Graduation Committee. For example, all students of class 2019/2020, who will not graduate in 2025 will be DELETED from the programme! The same applies to 2018/2019 class students who got the extension from the CEMS Global Office in 2024.


CEMS Academic Director at SGH 
Prof. Mirosław Jarosiński, PhD 
e-mail: cems@sgh.waw.pl

International Centre
Grzegorz M. Augustyniak, MA
CEMS Programme Manager at SGH 
Location: Room 12 (entrance through room 13), Building A 
Rakowiecka Street 24
Phone: 22 564 92 48
Office hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 11.00-13.00
Not in the office: Fridays 
e-mail: cems@sgh.waw.pl

Aneta Szydłowska, MA  
CEMS Corporate Relations Manager at SGH 
Location: Room 7, Building A 
Rakowiecka Street 24
Phone: 22 564 92 13
Office hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 11.00-13.00 
e-mail: cems@sgh.waw.pl