SGH employees are involved in many scientific and research projects, as well as didactic and organisational projects. We invite you to familiarise yourself with selected and currently implemented projects.

Scientific grants and research projects

AFROEU Jean Monnet Module on the European Union and the Contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa – an Interdisciplinary Approach - Smart Specialisation-EUAfrica

Project director:
Anna Masłoń-Orach, Ph.D.

SensiClass: Tackling Sensitive Issues in Classroom

Project director:
Katarzyna Górak-Sosnowska, Ph.D., SGH Professor

AMENET – The European Union, Mediterranean and Africa Integration in the Global Age

Project director:
Marta Pachocka, Ph.D.

ANGLE – A Network Game for Life-cycle Education

Project director:
Joanna Rutecka-Góra, Ph.D.

Co-designing Inclusive Mobility

Project director:
Jakub Zawieska, Ph.D.


Project director:
Jakub Zawieska, Ph.D.

Economic situation in Central and Eastern Europe during Covid-19 pandemic

Project director:
Professor Elżbieta Adamowicz, Ph.D.

Local Responses to the Issue of Smog in CEE Countries

Project director:
Ewelina Szczech-Pietkiewicz, Ph.D.

Macroeconomic and distributional policies in times of pandemic

Project director:
Michał Brzoza-Brzezina, Ph.D., SGH Professor

System of support for start-ups in Central and Eastern Europe

Project director:
Elena Pawęta, Ph.D.

Impact of COVID-19 on the Banking Sector in Poland and Other Countries of Central and Eastern Europe

Project director:
Adam Czerniak, Ph.D.

Utilisation of online data for the purpose of measuring and nowcasting food inflation and analysis of price shocks transmission and price stickiness. Case of Poland

Project director:
Krystian Jaworski, M.A.

Cultural Literacies’ Value in Europe (CLiViE)

Project director:
dr Grzegorz Maśloch
Funding for SGH:
138 375 EUR
Project budget:
2 999 890 EUR